Author Topic: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)  (Read 3252 times)

Offline idolminds

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iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« on: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 09:10:24 PM »
TL;DR: iTunes sucks

So I'm going to be acquiring an ipod touch in the near future so I decided to investigate iTunes. I don't plan to buy music or movies but I do want to check out the games and apps. The first challenge was setting up a account without a credit card on file. I followed a little guide and got it going. So, hooray!

The best part so far is everyone falling over themselves to just give games away. I currently have 70 titles downloaded, and another 30 more in my queue. I didn't pay a dime for any of them. 2-3 were some promo codes I scored on various forums, some are just plain free, only a couple are demo versions, but the rest are games that they let go for free for a day at a time. Thats the majority of the games I have. They all seem pretty interesting, too. Not just a bunch of tetris clones or something. But I won't be able to actually try them until later. I'll make a thread on the gaming board about that when I get to it.

So...the problems. These may or may not be issues you see, but I felt like venting.

The store is impossible to navigate or browse. Games are just lumped together...maybe you can narrow it down by genre but nothing too specific. I don't see any kind of detailed filtering or sorting options. I want to find a turn based strategy, less than $4, sorted by average review score...nope, can't do that. I found a site called AppShopper where you can do some of that, and there are other sites as well. Yes, to properly browse the iTunes app store you must use some other indexing site to do it.

The actual buying and downloading seems to work pretty well, except for a few things. The queue is...dumb. Its apparently controlled server side, from what I've read. Every time you launch the program it goes and grabs the list for you. I can see a reasoning for this since I could want to download something directly onto my ipod via wifi, so being able to use the same queue on there as on my desktop is a good feature. The problem is the server doesn't take your modifications or updates.

For example, I have 30 items on my list. Some are bigger than others, some I might want to download first compared to another. Reordering the list is a simple drag and drop. Perfect! Except this information is not updated on the server end. So if I close and reopen iTunes the queue is back to its original ordering of "what did you buy first?". Wouldn't be an issue if I left iTunes open, but after 3 downloads the program asks for my password to start a new download...and for some reason it doesn't accept my password. I know its correct, but it wont take it. I have to restart the program to continue downloading. So I'm constantly restarting and reordering my queue. The asking for password is double annoying since I can't just queue up my whole list and let it download while I sleep or go out. On those occasions I just have to pick the largest download I have to do and thats all.

I imagine these issues aren't a concern for most. 10, 20, 50, even 100MB apps only take seconds or a couple minutes to download for most people. It only hits me hard takes me longer. Most people won't have a queue of 30 items that they have to pick and choose which ones to grab.

Oh yeah, it also turns out that if you decide later on that you no longer want to download a particular thing...too fucking bad. The queue has a "delete" option, but that only hides the download in that current session. Restarting iTunes and its back and ready to download! To get something removed from your download queue requires contacting support. The mind boggles.

There was some promo video for the show Castle I saw on the store. It was free, so what the hell, right? Well, its over 100MB for the HD version. 50MB for SD. Too bad I've decided I no longer want it but can't get rid of it. And downloading the HD version automatically adds the SD version as well. Yes, you have to download both!

Not to mention the technical issues I've seen. Itunes is up, browser is behind it. I click on the browser to bring it forward and iTunes sort of "ghosts" on top. Have to minimize and then enlarge the browser to see it properly. Or slide the browser window off the edge of the screen and back to clear it off. Who programmed this thing?

And now my recent trouble. I've only been using this for about 2 weeks. The other day there was an update, and I was amazed it actually asked me if I wanted to download it right away or later. Also I could bitch about how going from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1 requires you to redownload the entire fucking 70MB program...but I digress. All of a sudden iTunes was giving me an error about the store being temporarily down so I can't retrieve my download list. I let it go for a day, but it still says the same thing. Even after updating. The support forums show a few people with the same problem and they said that they got support to fix it by basically emptying and then reloading their queues. So its all server side and...what, gets corrupted? Those people had called support and it took an hour to get it going. I sent an email, and hopefully it gets fixed that way. Like hell am I going to call.

So now I'm VERY interested in jailbreaking. The only reason I even use iTunes now is to get these apps all nice and legal. But if its going to be this pig of a pain in the future then fuck it, ahoy mateys! All my stuff has been free anyway. I'll be saving Apple the bandwidth.

Offline scottws

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 10:00:01 PM »
Sorry idol.  Unfortunate fact:  basically no one develops for dial-up users anymore.  And it's only going to get worse for you.

Offline idolminds

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 10:19:57 PM »
True, but iTunes still sucks and these were very poor design decisions they made even if the entire world was on broadband. Or just shoddy coding in the case of the stupid "ghosting" when switching windows.

I find it amazing that the largest and most popular online stores of iTunes and Steam both have absolutely the shittiest clients I've ever used.


I mean, heres the real too long, didnt read version:

1) Can not delete items from your download queue
2) Reordering your download queue is not saved between sessions
3) Downloading an HD video requires you to also download the SD version. Why?
4) Store has an extreme lack of sorting and filtering options. Browsing is near impossible unless you already know exactly what you are looking for.
5) Constantly asking for my password. Jesus christ, save that shit and stop asking me!

Those aren't "not designed for dialup" problems. They are "our designers have brain damage" problems.

Offline scottws

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 12:07:36 AM »
Yeah I read the whole thing.  Your part about the downloading issues really stuck out to me though.

In any case, yeah there is no question that iTunes does suck bad.  It's really, really bad on Windows and only very bad on Mac.  I imagine most Apple fanboys would agree that it is horrible.

Offline K-man

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 01:17:58 PM »
I use iTunes to rip music and then sync that music to my iPod.  Works beautifully for what I want it for.

Offline idolminds

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 02:23:13 PM »
Well, just an update. They got my download queue fixed. The promo video for Castle that I had added was removed from the store, which broke my queue. Support got rid of it so now I can download again. Works out kind of nice because that was the item I didn't want to download anymore anyway.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #6 on: Friday, October 08, 2010, 12:00:26 AM »
I hate iTunes. It is just terrible.

Offline gpw11

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Re: iTunes sucks (yes, I'm going to bitch about it.)
« Reply #7 on: Friday, October 08, 2010, 12:33:02 AM »
Yeah, while I have no problem using iTunes to listen to music on my PCs (sometimes) or to sync my iPod, it was one of the main things (if not THE main thing) that kept me away from an iPhone.  Music I can deal with, but relying it for my contacts and calendar?  Ha!  Nigga, please.