Author Topic: Gum Infection  (Read 3585 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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Gum Infection
« on: Monday, November 08, 2010, 07:24:37 AM »
Well I went to the dentist at the beginning of last week for a cleaning. They found a cavity, and they need to redo two of my fillings so I'm going to go back in to get that done. However after they poked and scrapped around my teeth and gums that day, I developed an infection around my back lower wisdom tooth. At first I thought it was a mouth sore because I do get those often, but the pain steadily increased. Then it got really fucking bad. Eventually I started really looking in my mouth for it and couldn't really see any sores, but there was a little bit of swelling. An abscess formed but it wasn't really that big, but my god... the pain. I was able to get a hold of my dentist and got some antibiotics and stronger pain medicine, but I still had to deal with the pain for another day or so until the medicine kicked in. Eating and drinking became my most feared activities of the day. I had to concentrate and chew on one side of my mouth, any mistake felt like someone slicing a razor blade into my gums, too much or too fast swallowing lead to the same result, the pain would cause me to sweat. Saturday totally sucked since the antibiotics nearly made me pass out from drowsiness, and it was a 9 hour shift because of fall back, but we were still supposed to clock out early that day but our supervisor said otherwise. I found out everybody got an extra hour of unauthorized overtime because of this, so she is going to get her ass chewed out. Anyway, last night proved to be more tolerable, the pain is starting to alleviate and should totally be gone after another day. So... morale of the story, don't go to the dentist, they are professional sadists.

For real though, if you plan to go to the dentist, it's probably a good idea to do some sort of extra cleaning to your teeth, like flossing and more gum care attention. Otherwise, prepare for the brutality of their instruments of pain.

Offline scottws

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Re: Gum Infection
« Reply #1 on: Monday, November 08, 2010, 07:50:08 AM »
I had this happen once.  See, I never got my wisdom teeth removed and both of my lower wisdom teeth are basically half in the tissue at the back of my mouth.  When this happened, I hadn't gone to a dentist for a variety of reasons (none of which were very good) for about three years.  Well one time I started getting pain around my lower right wisdom tooth and I could feel swelling in the gums back there.

Despite the fact that I began brushing 3-4 times per day and spent a longer time doing it than normal and using Listerine mouthwash twice daily, the infection got progressively worse over a few days time to the point where I was having to take over-the-counter pain meds to sleep within the first couple of days and you could visibly see swelling in my face.  Also, I couldn't bite down normally, but I could sort of slide my lower jaw back, bite down and then slide my jaw forward again.  When I did this, I could feel my top right wisdom tooth press on the swollen tissue and it would hurt at first but then give me sort of a feeling of relief.

However about four days in, the pain was so unbearable that I couldn't sleep anymore even taking the maximum dosage of the pain meds.  So I called a dentist in the middle of the night - I say "a dentist" because I really didn't have one that I considered mine at the time - and asked for an emergency appointment for the next day, for which they did call back in the morning and grant me.

Thankfully I didn't wait any longer.  The dentist sprayed some sort of antiseptic rinse in there and along with some internal antibiotics it really killed off the infection fast.  He basically said due to the way my wisdom teeth are impacted, I got a bit of food inside the gum where it rotted and bacteria began to feast on it and subsequently grow and then infect the gum tissue.  He said it was the worst infection of its kind he'd ever seen, but luckily there was no long term damage.

I tell you what, if you get a gum infection get to the dentist right away because no matter how well your body usually heals itself, it will not heal itself from one of these and it will get worse very quickly and be very painful until treated.

I was surprised that it had happened to me because I have always been a good brusher, spending two minutes or so at least twice daily.  But the dentist said that it can happen regardless of how well you take care of your mouth, but the better you take care of it, the lower the risk.

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Re: Gum Infection
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010, 08:26:24 AM »
I feel for you, Pyro. Hope you start feeling better, fast.

My advise to everyone is use mouthwash daily, and to not underestimate flossing.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Gum Infection
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010, 11:26:48 AM »
Flossing and brushing daily is essential. I'd be willing to bet that a good amount of people don't floss everyday. Also I got a rechargeable electric toothbrush a few years ago and it cleans my teeth 20x better than a regular toothbrush. It cost something like $70 but it has definitely been worth it.

Offline scottws

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Re: Gum Infection
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010, 11:45:25 AM »
I have a Sonicare, but yeah I don't floss every day.  Every month, maybe.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Gum Infection
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, November 09, 2010, 12:00:54 PM »
Yeah, Sonicare is what I have as well.

Flossing is important for plaque buildup, but if for nothing else it makes you teeth look better and it makes your breath smell better. I can't stand bad breath, and flossing (even a few times a week) and a little mouthwash completely kill it.