Thanks for posting that. Am watching it now.
So you know what would be really irritating? If they forced you to see those FMVs every time you started the game.
Wow, people weren't kidding about the menu. I was sure the critics were exaggerating, but that has to be the worst menu in a current generation game I have seen. That is just terrible. And when you go in deeper, it looks like a real cluster fuck. Man, that is so Japanese. Plus, what is up with the Kenny G style pop jazz music in the background?
Sy is right, it does feel a little pretentious.

Still buying it though.
"The whole game sounds like a Charlie Brown special." -- Jeff Gerstmann.
The video is a lot more irritating than it should be because these guys just keep goofing around.
OK so the menu isn't *that* bad. Some of it is though. I am not sure what menu they were looking at earlier.
Well, not sure if I am going to be buying this game anymore, at least immediately. It looks like a mixture of ass and excellence, which I didn't even think was possible. The cars and lighting etc., look fantastic, but stuff in the environment looks TERRIBLE. The trees look like they are cardboard cuttings still in place from alpha. The difference is more glaring because some of it looks so excellent.