Author Topic: Bulletstorm  (Read 15297 times)

Offline gpw11

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Re: Bulletstorm
« Reply #80 on: Thursday, September 08, 2011, 12:14:28 AM »
I do remember it being super satisfying.  Great game.   

Offline idolminds

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Re: Bulletstorm
« Reply #81 on: Thursday, September 08, 2011, 09:01:02 PM »
Yeah, I'm having a blast. And its very very pretty (once you fix the stupid ini thing I mentioned). But its just a lot of fun and the skillshots are like achievements blended well into the game itself. You don't have to get them, but you want to. I'm launching dudes into the air and switching to the sniper rifle just to get them. Normally in a FPS you go for efficiency, here you go for style. And kicking dudes Never. Gets. Old.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Bulletstorm
« Reply #82 on: Monday, September 12, 2011, 10:57:20 PM »
I beat the game a day or two ago. Fun game, like Que I'm kind of surprised it didn't do better (at least after the price dropped).

One thing I didn't like was the use of climbing over things and grabbing things. Like, they never felt consistent with me. Maybe it was my control configuration. I had middle mouse button for reload/use and End for sprint/mantle. Some things required one, some the other and I always hit the wrong button first.

Some of that mantling stuff was annoying too. Crawl through a vent and its like 3 feet to the floor and in any other game you just come out and drop. But no, they wanted to do a fancy first person animation so you have to "use" the edge of the vent to crawl out. I thought that was dumb as hell. And the left-right-left thing when crawling across stuff was also kinda lame. You earned points for the timing but I kick some fucker into a cactus and there, I've made twice as many points. Just didnt add anything to the game.

But thats just me picking nits. Leash some guy towards you, sticking a bomb to his head, then kicking him back to his friends for detonation was great fun.