Now that the site has been wrested from Antares' grasp (no offense, but getting OW back up obviously wasn't a priority of his), I think it would be a good time to talk about adding some upgrades to the site. We've discussed this in IRC a little bit. One of my suggestions was an actual front page banner and integrated IRC chat. I'd like to see the integrated chat especially because I think we'd get a lot more traffic in the room (which is real fun!) if we had an easy way to get to it.
Of course some more grandiose ideas were tossed around. They are good, but let's be realistic. The chances of this site growing to a large population is near zero. And personally I'm fine with that. In fact the casual atmosphere and easygoing nature of this forum is a major part of what kept me here. And I don't think we should lose that at all. I'm a member of other forums that are much more populated (and that is good for other reasons), but I keep coming back here because honestly I believe we can have much more reasonable conversations here. At least for the most part.
So if someone with the know how (Cools, for one) would be willing to devote some time to the site, what are some of the things you'd like to see implemented?