I have an update, and this time it is good news! Actually several bits of good news:
- The house was fixed. We got a completely new basement and kitchen out of it. The total payout from the insurance company was something to the tune of $70,000. Unfortunately, we weren't able to sneak in a dishwasher or more cabinetry than we had previously and I wasn't able to convince Jennie that we should pony up the money to get those items to help sell the house, but at least everything was fixed and updated. We even got a brand new 55" Samsung LED-LCD flatscreen plus a 32" LG LCD for free because we were able to show that it would cost us $2,500 to replace the old, huge 50" Sony CRT that was ruined in the flooding.
- The house finally sold! We are closing the sale this coming Thursday. We were scheduled to owe the bank $22,000 - $23,000 in the difference between the sale price and the mortgage balance, taxes, realtor commission, and closing costs. Our bank was initially going to absorb a $10,000 loss and have write us an unsecured $12,000 - $13,000 loan, but the title company was taking too long and we haven't even been presented with the interest rate or term or anything so the bank is going to eat the entire loss now. Huge news for us. There were other bumps like the buyer wanted us to replace the electrical box on our dime. We refused, stating that we weren't willing to take more than a $23,000 hit but the deal was about to fall through because the buyer's lender refused to buy the house with the existing box. Our realtor got creative. Basically the buyer didn't have the cash to fix it either, so they got her to pay a higher amount for the house and our bank footed the bill for the replacement and added it to the amount already owed. In the end we paid for it, but since the buyer paid more for the house it came out as a wash and the deal is going through. Anyway, it's about damn time.
- We finally got a house down here! We close on that house on Friday. At first we had our eyes on a short-sale house but that was taking too long. We put our bid in in January and it wasn't resolved as of mid May when we put in a bit on the house we are getting. The house we are buying was only on the market for one day. Non-short-sale or non-forclosure houses are a rarity down here and people snatch them up quick because no one wants to deal with the process of buying a bank-owned property.
- I got a big raise at work. My boss' last day was yesterday and he said he felt like I took a low salary and told the Director of IT that he was worried I might test the job market and easily find a higher-paying position. He told him that the IT job market was really picking up and that I was a great asset and that he should give me a raise to make sure I stay around. Thanks boss! That is the first time I ever got a raise out of the blue like that.
- This isn't really new news, but Jennie absolutely loathed the job she left Cincinnati for. She was miserable at the place and her boss was a total bitch with less than zero managerial skills. After awhile, she was literally crying on the way home from work every day. But she was able to move on to another position at a different company. She made a lateral move both career- and salary-wise, but is much happier (and so is the rest of the family
It's been a trying first year. We completely outstayed our welcome at my sister-in-laws' when our Ohio house didn't sell in the 60-90 days our first realtor told us to expect, my Ohio house had some of its piping stolen and was significantly water-damaged as a result, we had a protracted battle for dollars with the insurance company, my grandmother died, Jennie hated the job we moved for, we moved into my mother-in-laws' after she moved here from Puerto Rico, Jennie and I were on the verge of divorce a couple of times, and we had significant trouble both selling our Ohio house and trying to buy a Florida house.
But it looks like as we approach the one year mark that things are really, finally starting to look up.