Daily DealsIndie Bundle 9 = $10Driver: San Francisco - Regular = $7.49Driver: San Francisco - Deluxe = $8.74
Red Orchestra Franchise Pack (Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - GOTY, Upgrade Red Orchestra 2 Standard to Deluxe) = $8.74Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 = $2.49
Red Orchestra 2 - Regular = $5
Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition = $7.49
Civilization Collection (does NOT include Civ 5: Gods & Kings) = $25 (82% off)Older Civ games, Civ 5, Civ 5 DLC's, etc = 75% off.
Deus Ex Collection (includes all Deus Ex games below - though Deus Ex: HR in here is Regular Edition) = $15Deus Ex: GOTY Edition = $2.49
Deus Ex: Invisible War = $2.49
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Regular Edition = $7.49
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Augmented Edition = $9.99
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Missing Link DLC = $3.74
ALL other Deus Ex: HR DLC = 75% off.
Crysis Collection (all Crysis games below) = $17.49Crysis (original) = $6
Crysis: Warhead (stand-alone expansion) = $6
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition (Crysis 2 + ALL DLC) = $12
FEAR Collection (includes all FEAR games below) = $10FEAR = $2.49
FEAR: Extraction Point (expansion) = N/A
FEAR: Perseus Mandate (Stand-alone expansion) = N/A
FEAR 2: Project Origin = $2.49
FEAR 2: Reborn DLC (requires FEAR 2: Project Origin) = $2.49
FEAR 3 = $5
Magicka Collection (Magicka + ALL 14 DLC's) = $7.49Magicka (base game) - 1 pack = $2.49
Magicka (base game) - 4 pack = $7.49
ALL Magicka DLC's = 75% off EXCEPT The Other Side Of The Coin (that DLC full price at $5)
Dungeon Defenders - 1 pack = $3.74Dungeon Defenders - 4 pack = $11.24
Dungeon Defenders Collection (Dungeon Defenders + Over 20 DLC's) = $12.49