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Riot Games today announced League of Legends, a PC game based on the popular Warcraft 3 multiplayer mod Defense of the Ancients.Riot was co-founded by original DotA Allstars co-creator Guinsoo, and the team reportedly includes other DotA veterans. As such, League of Legends is staying true to the DotA formula, where players level up a single avatar amongst a giant battle of smaller armies. Dozens of Summoners--the player-controlled avatars--are planned to be available at launch.A semi-persistent element will be see the Summoners leveling up across matches. The game will also include matchmaking, stat tracking, clan support, anti-cheat systems, dedicated in-game ladders and Leaverbuster technology."League of Legends is planned to hit in early 2009, with a beta period prior to launch. Just in time to compete against Demigod.