So it is my birthday on the 29th and my wife wanted to get me some board games from America. Games like Mage Knight, Ticket to Ride Europe and Pandemic.
Anyway we ordered it two days ago through The War Store from the owner, Neal, a lovely person.
Shipping came out to be around $120 via courier DHL but I thought, why not, it is my birthday and at least it will be here by Saturday.
Well, it hasn't even shipped yet! DHL were supposed to pick it up from the store yesterday and they told Neal they would, but they did not. Had they picked it up, because of the time zone differences it would have been well on its way.
Anyway it is nearly midnight here, and I am assuming it is 2 in the morning in NY. DHL still haven't collected the freakin' package!
What is the point of charging $120 for shipping if you are going to waste what may be 2 days in collecting? If they don't collect today I will cancel the order. In the end they may say they charged $120 for 3 day international shipping, but by not actually collecting the item as promised for TWO days they aren't acting like a courier service at all.
I hope they collect it, but I am really disappointed.