Author Topic: Anyone reading comics?  (Read 6036 times)

Offline Ace_O_Spades

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Anyone reading comics?
« on: Thursday, September 05, 2013, 02:54:26 PM »
There's a lot of really good stuff coming out right now, no matter what your tastes are.

Any other comic readers right now?

Series I'm reading right now:

Trillium - Jeff Lemire's art isn't for everyone, but he's such a great writer. I love it.

Saga - Star Wars meets Romeo & Juliet, and it's fucking awesome

East of West - Four horsemen of the Apocalypse set in dystopian Western setting. It's pretty dang good.

All-New X-Men - The original team get brought through time to the modern Marvel universe. It's better than it sounds.

Hawkeye - This book. This book made Hawkeye interesting. Seriously.

Sheltered (local Vancouver creators) - Prepper community goes insane and self-implodes. It's awesome.

Satellite Sam - It's set during the golden-age of TV, murder mystery surrounding the death of a TV star. It's drawn by Howard Chaykin, and it's damn good. The covers are sexy.
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