Author Topic: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive  (Read 10339 times)

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #40 on: Saturday, April 05, 2014, 05:31:23 AM »
That about sums it up for me as well. I love the IDEA of Nintendo, but there hasn't been anything to tempt me there for a long time. I had a Wii but used it very little, though what little I did play was great. But that didn't last very long, and it's been a downhill slide since. Even in handheld territory. I still love my DS, but I had no desire to buy any of the many upgrades that came out after whatever model I have, and I have even less desire for a 3DS. There's just no compelling reason to even want it.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #41 on: Saturday, April 05, 2014, 06:10:01 AM »
Oh yeah, then there's the 3DS.  No interest in the 3D gimmick or little screens, but the new Zelda got my attention.  So I've been looking into what else I'd want to play on the system, and I can't find anything compelling.  As good as Between Worlds looks, I can't spend that much money just to play it alone.  No way.

Offline gpw11

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #42 on: Saturday, April 05, 2014, 07:45:32 PM »
I would have bought the newer 2DS variant if it had a clamshell design.  That was before I subscribed to Playstation Plus for $40 a year.  Now I have no idea why I'd get anything that isn't a Vita.  And that's kinda interesting in itself because Sony really is onto something with their PS+ model - $40 a year, three free games a month (on PS3, 1-2 for PS4, and 2-3 for Vita) as long as you remained subscribed, and huge discounts on other items.  I'm sure it's changed how a lot of people buy games and they're now locked into the ecosystem.  Microsoft is trying to follow suit, and they can...but Nintendo?  They don't have the cataloge to even try.

They're in a super tough spot - as it is no one is ever going to be shelling out Playstation or Xbox prices for a Nintendo console because they've been selling consoles with only Nintendo games (and a handful of other quality games) for 3-4 generations now. It should be an easy sell - we're releasing this console that is on-par with what the others can do, we're courting developers and publshers - you can now get all the Nintendo games you love and the third party games you want to play in one place!  But no one is actually going to buy that they're capable of pulling it off until they actually do pull it off.  And they're not going to be able to stand tall on their own forever.  They're one panned Mario Kart or Smash Bros release away from having a complete console flop.

Offline gpw11

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #43 on: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 09:05:03 PM »
So, I've been super tempted to buy a refurb WiiU straight from Nintendo for $200.  They're sold out now but get stock in quite a bit.  200 seems like a decent price for it, but will I ever play it?  Not into Smash at all, but that new Zelda looks badass.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #44 on: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 09:13:58 PM »
There's nothing there that merits a whole new console.  That new Zelda is still vaporware.  Smash Bros--don't care.  2D Mario games with 3D window dressing--don't care.  Bayonetta--don't care.  Anything available on a better console--don't care.  Mario Kart--don't care enough.  Pikmin--don't care enough.  Remaster of Wind Waker--care, but not at full price, and only after something else sells me the system.

Where are the Metroid Primes and the Mario Galaxies?

Offline gpw11

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 10:03:27 PM »
Aaaand sold!   I still have a cracked Wii I don't touch.  Thanks

Edit - by "sold" I mean "no sale".   Thanks for talking me out of that.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #46 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 05:45:37 AM »
Now I feel guilty, like I've betrayed Nintendo fans everywhere.  :P

Offline scottws

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« Reply #47 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 05:56:30 AM »
I like the 2D Mario games more. I like the 3D ones too, just not as much. But yeah, there just isn't enough there for me to justify a purchase.

Offline K-man

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #48 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 08:23:43 AM »
I'd like to completely counter Cobra.  Honestly there are times I'm completely infatuated with the Wii U.  But it does not live to its full potential.  There's so much that could be done with the platform to make the experience so much better.  And to me it's obvious what those things are, which makes me question Nintendo's vision.  Ultimately though the games I have are very, very fun.  And they are *video games*, not interactive stories.  The best thing by far on the system is the ability to play using solely the game pad on some titles.  It means I can still Mario Kart even if Beth is watching her soaps or Willa is hardcore into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

I'm trying very hard to accept the console for what it is instead of pining over what it could be.  I'm getting better at it.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #49 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 08:41:43 AM »
I'll tell you what would likely sell me one:  DS/3DS emulation using the pad screen as the lower screen.  I hate gaming on tiny screens anymore, and there is a growing library of DS/3DS games I'd like to play the way I play everything else.  The Gamecube had an adapter for GBA games (and I bought one).  These days, the way to handle that probably wouldn't require hardware.  Just sell the games digitally, maybe even enhanced somehow for the more powerful platform.  There are like 3 Zelda games I'd like to play this way (to name just a small part of the backlog).

Offline idolminds

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #50 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 01:08:28 PM »
Wii U actually has some DS games on Virtual Console now.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #51 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 01:56:56 PM »
Ooooo!  Phantom Hourglass?  Spirit Tracks?

Offline idolminds

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #52 on: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 09:50:28 PM »
I tried to look, but I guess I was wrong. So far only Japan has had the DS games hit Virtual Console. No word that I've seen for when they will hit the US and what titles will be available.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: WiiU: Nov 18th, $299/$349, Bayonetta 2 exclusive
« Reply #53 on: Friday, December 12, 2014, 07:47:36 AM »
They really need to do this with both DS and 3DS.  Instant library of recent games, and that is what the thing needs most.  A Link Between Worlds on a decent screen.  Screw 3D.  Give me that.