That doesn't necessarily screw anyone. Dark Souls 2 is getting a graphical upgrade on systems it wasn't originally available on with the exception of PC, it will include all the released DLC plus new content, and all the old content will be re-tooled to be, in the developer's own words, a very different game from the one that was originally released (DLC monsters and weapons will be spread through the normal campaign, monster placement will have changed, etc.). I do find most of these re-releases to be a case of annoying double-dipping, but I don't think it's fair to throw that at the new DSII edition. Given what we've been told, I want to finish my run through the old version AND pick up the new one.
Regardless, I don't think there's anything wrong with Kickstarter or early access games if you're going into it with the right attitude. It should only be for something you consider truly special that you really just want to exist and are paying a few bucks to help ensure that it does, not just trying to buy another game that looks sort of cool. For instance, I backed Darkest Dungeon because it was an amazing premise, very unique in that premise and just about everything from gameplay to artwork to core design ideology, and the people seemed like the kind of people one could trust to carry it through. I really loved what that game was trying to do and I wanted it to exist, so I jumped in. Given the state that Diablo 3 was in for quite a while, I was painfully aware of a lack of solid action RPGs in that vein, so I backed Grim Dawn for a lot of the same reasons, even though the game itself probably isn't quite as "special". I somewhat regret that now because of the fact that D3 turned out to have fixed its most glaring issues and now gives me what I want out of a game of that type, and so Grim Dawn, while still a cool-looking game and one I will probably enjoy playing, is no longer the big deal for me that it was when I invested in it. But I already chalked that money up as lost the minute I spent it, because I was simply making a choice at the time to give some help toward something I wanted to see happen. It's nice that I'll get a copy of the game, but that was far secondary to the fact that I just felt like the game should exist.