Economics and law school? Don't make me hate you, ren.
Yeah, I played piano for a number of years (I still write some piano songs, just have no way to record them really) and I totally blew at least one recital. I have trouble being in front of people if I'm the only person. I can speak okay, but trying to perform something is hard unless there are others up there with you. I also almost fucked up a song I wrote that I played at my high school graduation in front of a small crowd. I was sitting on this stool with my guitar and I managed to play the song okay, but my *leg* wouldn't stop shaking. Because of the way I was sitting I had some weight on it, and I was so nervous and crap that my muscles went all weird. I talked to some people about it afterward and everyone thought I was just keeping time, haha. Apparently my muscle spasms were rhythmic. I found that endlessly amusing.