If you don't know what a Raspberry Pi is, you can check out
the official site. The TL;DR version is it's a small single board computer that is fairly cheap and can be used in all kinds of fun projects. There are several models that vary in power, from the Zero, the Model A, B, B+, and the Pi 2. I managed to get in on a site selling the Pi 2, the fastest model, for $20. Score!
Raspberry Pi's are barebones when you buy them, though. I had some of the stuff I need (mouse, keyboard, microUSB cable and a suitable wall plug for power) but just placed an order for the other stuff I will need to really get going (HDMI cable, case, spare microSD cards). Hopefully those should arrive sometime this week and I can get to tinkering. Since this is on the gaming board it should be obvious that I am going to do some gaming stuff with this thing. Namely, an emulation machine!
It's a fairly popular project for Pi's. The Pi 2 has more RAM and a quad core processor compared to the other models which makes it work quite well for emulation. Apparently it can handle everything up to can including the original Playstation, though N64 is not that good I hear. My plan is to fill is with fun multiplayer games from various consoles and the arcade so I can have a little easy to transport box that I can plug in to peoples TVs and have a good time. I'll post in this thread with my progress.