so like todatg i went to neopets the chrrtistmas party and it was totally awesome and first like it was lame but then my friends came and there was hauke the german guy and he was cool and he told me to drink alot then was yukio the japanese guy and yukios te best. then it started to rain and i drink like 6 beers and hauke told me to drink white russian it was the best thing ever so i drink like 4 of them and then i drink this other thing i forgot and rum and coke. then i talked to president of singpore and it was awesome. then my friend adete took my beer and she gave me cofffee but it was nasty so i drank crab soup or something. there was a a celeb rity but i forgot and it was cool and theres was katherine with a ruyssian hat and i want a russian hat haaa i hiy ptrevie now