Silent Hill is pretty much the only thing that really gets me these days. Other scary stuff only scares me if it reminds me of Silent Hill. Those games have completely screwed me up forever. They can be a little funny and not scary and wonky and odd... but then there are moments of just pure, unadulterated psychological horror, and this is mostly apparent in the art itself. Silent Hill 4 moved away from some of this stuff, but there's this one part in a hospital where there's this long, long corridor with tons of doors on either side, and most of the rooms don't really contain anything other than a little "scene" of some kind. The worst for me is one room with what looks like a corpse hanging from the ceiling, but its draped with a cloth that hangs down in a triangle pattern. So it's small at the top and then fans out toward the bottom, where you can see the corpse's feet sticking out a bit. And it just sways where with the light. That image has stuck with me in ways I can't even begin to express in words.