I haven't kept you all updated, but the girl that goes to a different school and lives in a different state came to visit me about a week ago. She took time out of her very short break(only had a week and a half). It was great when she was here. I genuinely like her presence and she is a totally unique girl, someone I could really see myself with in a different geographical situation.
But that is the problem: We have spent a combined total of 4 days together in person. We have just been talking on the phone since then. She lives in New York, I live in Colorado. I go to to school in Washington DC, she goes to school in Chicago. There is no conceivable time when we can spend any large amount of time together (she is getting an internship in Boston this year, and I have no idea what I am doing, but I will most likely be back home).
So I feel like it isn't a real relationship in that we are missing serious parts of it(seeing each other constantly). Not only that, but college is full of temptations. I already had a run in with that.
I had promised that I would come and visit her during my break, the exact date is in about two weeks. It's only for a weekend, but I would have to fly out there (200$ or so) and spend one of my 3 weekends away from my friends back home. But now I am having doubts about the future and I am not sure I want to make that investment.
While she is great, I am just now beginning to use my logic to say that our hopes of being together are next to nil. And I don't think my feelings are strong enough to justify years of loneliness/no dating other people. There are already some sparks with different people, too. Possible real relationships, not just hook ups.
She is actually in Israel right now, though. I have been talking to her via email every once in a while. She basically keeps saying how much she misses me and how much she can't wait to see me, etc. She doesn't return until the 26th, which is like 1.5 weeks before my supposed visit. She absolutely HATES when I send things over email. Makes her visibly upset. Haha. So I am going to have to wait to talk to her about it until after.
But I have no idea what to say. And I know that whatever I am going to say, it is going to crush her. She is REALLY into me, for whatever reason. We got drunk one night and she confessed that she was terrified because she always seemed to fall harder for guys than they did for her, and she always got left behind. I, of course, was still really feeling the relationship, so I told her that I felt the same way about her, yada yada yada. Ugh.
Boo. I am horrible at breaking up(ask my last girlfriend). I hate it. I never know what to or what not to say.