Honestly, every new fad and inter-trend is progressively lamer.
Example 1:
-Shoutwire.com. Hey, lets make a site almost exactly like digg.com, take the whole glossy web 2.0 style and jack it up, only have shitty stories about people's boring ass trendy political opinions, essentially make it a giant blogging network, and then claim we have over 40,000 active members. The site fucking sucks. The design is disturbingly similair to that of early digg revisions and is waaay too glossy. The stories are garbage, and that's the key thing. With digg you can go there and be assured that any news that has broken in the last 24 hours in the worlds of science, gaming, general technology, entertainment, or sports will be there, categorized by how many people find it interesting. Shoutwire is story after story about how bush/scientology/tom cruise/politicians/police/whatever sucks, overplayed conspiracy theories, boring political revelations, rants about being enlighted, and garbage like that. The worst part is that about 90% of these don't even lead directly to a news source (or at all usually), instead they're just 'editorials'. Great, a new blogging system for dumbasses. Example from the current front page:
-Ignoring the Alternative: John F. Kerry: from the blurb I assume this is about how as bad as bush is, Kerry might have been worse.
- House approves US-Mexican border fence. (ok, this might actually lead to a news story)
Actually, you know what? I'm already too fucking bored to read the rest of them and type them out. The point is that they suck. I don't know if it's a flaw with the system of the site itself, or the people that go to the site, but the end result is the same: It blows.
And they claim they have 40,000 active members? Then why are all the front page stories the same day after day for weeks at a time, and why is it that these front page stories always have like 10-50 shouts? Maybe it's a different system where it takes ten people or so to make a 'shout' point, but that would be stupid. And maybe it's because the number goes down when people disapprove of the content...but it does that at digg, and there's always a hell of a lot more 'diggs' for popular stories.....numbers that actually make sense. I smell bullshit.
I think this site should probably fold about now. It's not doing anything new, interesting, or usefull, and probably 90% of it's hits come from the fact that it connects to the front page of torrentspy.com.
2.) Youtube. No one gives a shit. That's why you're not on tv and that's why no one you know sees you as the visionary you think you are. People on this site are, for the most part, total fucking jackasses. Sure there's funny videos of car crashes, kids getting sacked, stand up routines, and stuff like that, but there are also thousands of shitty vlogs. I saw a thing on tv about some chick who was on it admitting she was an actress and the whole thing was fake. So I went over there to check it out a few days ago, and people were fucking freaking out. Seriously, no one tricked you...you fooled yourselves thinking you had something going there.
Seriously, look at that guy. He's either freaking out about it or he's joking. Either way he loses becuase after interstalking him, he has like 45 videos on there that all suck, he's like 40, no one cares about him enough to change his fucking style, and he's obviously got an obsession. Do we want to give these people something to do, because if that's the goal here they should just get on the freaking highway and start breaking rocks and picking up garbage or something productive....because if you're going to put a video on the internet make sure it has something to do with porn, explostions, the funny, good looking people, or kids getting mother fucking sacked in the nuts. Not some shitty sarcasm about something that doesn't matter coming from some chubby ass guy with shitty glasses and a shaved head to hide the fact that he's got some MPB going on....no one wants to see that.
That's my analysis on the inevitable decline of the internet.