Author Topic: Holy Shit, MTV blows  (Read 2853 times)

Offline gpw11

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Holy Shit, MTV blows
« on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 01:24:12 AM »
See, I never understood this since I didn't know I got it here.  I kind of always figured it was like Much Music (which also blows).  Then all of a sudden I notice that I've got MTV Canada up on 94 or something like that.  94!  And you know what?  It's probably the biggest waste they could have on station 94.  It's either some idiots talking to some other idiots about some stupid shit like what to do when your boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you (listen to emo ... man), that immigrant guy from the fucking 70's show in what could possibly the worst television show I've ever seen (seriously, I think there's a way you could probably get away with doing a show about insulting people, but this isn't it), A dating show called Next where the lines are so obviously written before hand it's not funny (and what's witthe gay guys on there being the type of gay guys that makes some people hate gay guys?  Like, it's cool that you're gay...but the fucking mesh shirt and lisp has to go asshole), and interviews with a lot of idiots wearing pre faded jeans, stripped shirts, and frosted tips.

The 70's house was kind of cool, but only in a "that's not a bad idea...for a shitty reality show" kind of way.  I know I shouldn't even see what's on it anymore, but I think I finally understand why some people slow down to see a car wreck.  Between MTV, Youtube, and Myspace I'm getting the worst image of people younger than me.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Holy Shit, MTV blows
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 01:34:59 AM »
Your always bitching about these things, but why are you soo addicted to them?

Offline gpw11

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Re: Holy Shit, MTV blows
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 01:40:43 AM »
Some people cut themselves, I subject myself to stupid shit so I can bitch about it later. I also read the letters to the editor in the newspapers just because I know someone will say something stupid.  Maybe it makes me feel better knowing I'm not one of the people that does that.

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Re: Holy Shit, MTV blows
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 01:58:02 AM »
I agree completely.  Training a generation of fucking idiots to breed more fucking idiots until society collapses on itself.  Go team.

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Offline nickclone

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Re: Holy Shit, MTV blows
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, January 03, 2007, 05:57:48 AM »
That 70's house was the best show they've ever had. It was really stupid, but thats why it was so great, it never tried to be anything more than just a fun show. My favorite part in the whole series was at the very beginning when they did the first "Hustle alarm" to wake everyone up. One guy was doing it with a toothbrush in his mouth with toothpaste all over his face and another guy was so groggy that he was dancing into walls with is eyes closed. Good stuff.

For the longest time I thought MTV was aimed at young people, the truth is that its aimed at two types of people: the west coast/Miami beach culture and the trendy New Yorker. Think about some of their most popular shows (Real World, Next, TRL, Sweet 16, Pimp My Ride) these shows are always in Cali or New York, based around rich people and these are the "happy" shows. Then theres shows like True Life, Made and High School Stories that give the west coast/Miami/New York Trendy crowd a telescope to look into "other" people's lives.

If you every watch True Life its always: "True Life: I'm A Drug Addict", "I'm Poor", I'm Stupid, I'm Divorced/Orphaned/Adopted/War Veteran/etc". When it comes to the show Made, they always want to be made into something popular or elegant like prom queen/king/class president/cheerleader/etc. These shows always take place in some boring or shitty ass town too...I'm done ranting now.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Holy Shit, MTV blows
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, January 04, 2007, 12:41:34 PM »
Wow, you just now discovered that MTV is an absolute waste of bandwidth?  I was there when it launched, and it was revolutionary.  Music videos 24/7, with some music news and commercials.  Some years later, it degenerated into complete trash.  It became the rap channel, featuring every kind of scuzzball, and eventually they even stopped playing that.  All skank, no music.  VH1 became the station for music with video content, then that too went to shit.  Now there's The Tube.  How long will that last?