Today was interesting. Everything started off fine. The heads were all off, we put the brackets on the gantry, jacked it up, and put the casters on. We had more than enough people to push the thing and it was only down the hall. The floor epoxy was set (or so it seemed...we'll see). Everything was fine.
There were 2 guys there and this is more or less considered "their project". The gantry needs to be bolted to the floor. Standard procedure, keeps it from falling over and killing someone. It was their job to drill the holes, so we went to lunch/dinner. Came back and...problem.
The front holes drilled fine. The back holes...they hit metal. This can happen. Sometimes you just hit rebar. There are alternate holes...moved over and offset if such a thing happens. Drill there...more metal.
They were supposed to do a survey of the room. You get the hospital engineers and stuff in there and they are supposed to check everything. What *are* we drilling into? A support beam? A pipe? We dont know. Also, the floor sounds kind of...hallow. We arent really sure if the floor can support the weight of the thing now. Its kind of dangerous.
So right now the project is on hold. Tomorrow they are getting guys out to check the room. If we are lucky it'll just be a steel plate and we can drill through it. If not....bolt the wheels back on, move the gantry again, rip up and repour the floor in a new location, then we can get back on track. Most likely...option 2. It'll probably bleed over into next week, since the mover guys have another job in Virginia they need to do in the mean time.