Author Topic: Any excercise freaks in here?  (Read 5204 times)

Offline scottws

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Any excercise freaks in here?
« on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 10:15:40 PM »
My New Year's Resolution was to get in shape and reverse the trend that is a gut forming.  At first I thought it would never last, but I'm actually getting more interested in it as the days go by.  I have been contemplating joining the gym at work and getting up at 3 or 4 am to get there before work and everything.  I even just caught myself following a link on MSN about building a six-pack.

I can come up with an ok program.  Right now I'm just hitting Jennie's elliptical pretty hard for 30 minutes every day, or the treadmill at home if I'm there.  But I decided I don't really just want a runner's body.  I want something else and I'm considering doing something I've never done or had to do before: diet/eat healthier.

I've been pretty undersized much of my life.  I was always a skinny kid and even as recently as three years ago I weighed like 145 lbs.  Now I weigh over 180 and believe me it's not really because of a muscle mass increase.  I don't mind the weight of 180, it's just that I would like it to be the right kind of weight.  So I'm trying to find out what sorts of foods I need to start eating that will be edible, healthy, but also nutritional and help me maintain the energy I'll need to continue to exercise.

Any tips, including for the excercising/working out?

Offline idolminds

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #1 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 10:41:12 PM »
I'm going to try and do the same. My plan is when it warms up to bust out my bike. I used to ride every day before school, up to 9 miles round trip. So I'm going to work my way back up to that.

I dont seem to be gaining any weight despite my complete lack of exercise. I've stabilized around 220. I figure doing some biking would help wear down the extra weight I've got.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #2 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 11:13:48 PM »
I'm in the same boat on some levels, though I'm expanding things to a lot more than just weight.  I'm really trying to relearn a lot of basics on guitar that I've passed up in my years of self-training, fundamental stuff that leaves me less equipped when it comes to music theory especially.  I'm trying to practice every night, do scales, just keep up the basic stuff and not let myself slide so much.  I'm also trying to keep things tight with my writing, so that my novel stuff doesn't go by the wayside and get ignored for overly long periods of time.  And then, like you guys, I want to get in fucking shape because I'm out of shape and it's got the potential in the next few years to cause some serious health problems.  I think I probably weigh like 240 or something at this point.  I'm 6 feet tall and I don't consider myself a weakling in the least bit (not super buff, but there are a fair number of guys out there who would seriously rethink a fight with me if things ever went that direction), but I should be probably 185 or so at my ideal weight, a lot more of it should be muscle, and if I don't keep things in check I'm going to develop some big problems with blood pressure and cholesterol.  So I'm very much trying to insure that when I eat in the morning its good stuff, lots of whole wheat and whole grains.  Fruit if I can force it down (I love veggies but I hate fruit).  I've been walking home in the evenings a lot now, and that's about a 20 minute walk, but that doesn't go very far.  I really need to add some more focused exercise in there, so I want to try going in the morning now.  Doing some aerobic stuff to get my blood pumping and my metabolism going.  I figure if I get up a half hour earlier, that'll give me time to do a good twenty or so minute workout in the morning before I shower and eat, and that's a great way to start your day.  I felt so much better when I used to ride my bike every morning... it's just that I can't do that now that we moved.  Well, at least not well.  It's a big pain in the ass to do it now.

So yeah... much luck to all of us.  Sadly, I'm an idiot and have no advice I could offer scott, but I'd certainly also be appreciative of any that anybody else happened to give him.

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Offline Ghandi

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #3 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 11:30:29 PM »
I know what you mean Scott, I weigh 145 and I eat horribly and don't exercise- and I can't seem to gain weight. I'm trying to (so far unsuccessfully) get off my lazy ass and work out- lift weights, etc, to try and gain muscle weight. I'm guessing that a balanced diet with added protein is the way to go, though I'm no nutritionist so I have no idea. I have access to an excellent gym here at the university which I really should use, it's just tough to make that first step.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #4 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 11:34:44 PM »
I could stand to lose 15-20 lbs probably, I'm still happier with my weight than I used to be during my last two years of high school when I was around 220 and I'm only 5' 9".  I lost a lot of weight walking to places more, playing DDR, and eating less fast food and it made a huge difference.  I've considered getting DDR for my house and a good mat but other games distract me.

I can't really offer much advice though since I've never tried to make myself lose weight.  I'm surprised Poom hasn't responded yet, he seems to be fairly knowledgeable about this kind of stuff.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 06:13:02 AM »
Well, I've always had exercise as part of my life.  It was only the last year that I hardly exercised and would just go for walks.  But now, with the whole health issue coming up again I'm getting back into my exercise.  I try to exercise twice a day now and then have 5-10 minute exercise breaks every 1-2 hours.

I was overweight when i was younger (10-15).  I've been around my ideal weight the last 8 years or so.  Going a bit on the high end sometime in 2003 and went too low last year. 

Now, I'm eating better - fresh juice (mixed fruit and veggies) after my exercise in the morning.  Then about 20 minutes after I take something heavier - like oats or granola or bread (i'm not in the habit of eating anything heavy for breakfast but because of medication, i have no choice).  Then a fruit snack an hour or so before lunch..  Regular lunch for me (I like homecooked food).  Then sometime in the afternoon i have a small snack, either fruit, or a piece of bread.. then i exercise again.  Then a lighter dinner then sometimes if i'm hungry i eat at around 8:30 or 9 pm - bad habit!!

I like fruit so it's not a problem for me to eat stuff like that.  I like salads too so... 

What helped me lose weight before was a lot of rollerblading, and just having fun - oh! playing in the playground, monkey bars, swing, the slides..  :-\

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 07:58:08 AM »
I was overweight when I was in college.  I was probably just under what I am now... maybe 225 or 230.  I managed to get my weight down to about 185 in the course of about two months by exercising and going vegetarian.  I just sort of freaked out and decided I had to get all the shit out of my system, so I fasted for a couple of days, started forcing myself to keep my exercise more regular, even if it was light, and then just ate really well.  It was pretty much a veggie diet with small bits of protein here and there (some fish and such).  I felt literally sick for about 2 weeks just because my body craved sugar and crap, essentially, and veggies did nothing to keep me full.  When I ate them alone, they just made me feel ill (and not because I wasn't properly balancing things).  Then after about the first week, it started to get better, and after 2 weeks had gone by, they were actually satisfying my appetite and such.  Just really took a lot of work to get over the hump.  Then by the time I was done with the whole thing, I'd lost an absolute ton of weight.  It was probably too much too fast, really, but I felt great and kept the weight off for over a year.  Unfortunately, I gained all of it back and then some when my dad died.  We were at the hospital a lot and kept going out to eat, and things just went downhill from there.  By the end of it, I wasn't so far from where I am now, though I'm probably worse now than I've ever been.

So today was my first morning workout.  I've got a couple days to try and establish the routine since Julia's out with her mom on a trip up north to visit relatives, so it's giving me a little time to myself and time to focus on stuff.  I feel pretty good!  Got a good twenty minutes of cardio-ish stuff in this morning. Now I just have to keep it up, keep up my walks home, and go back to mom's and find some of my old weights and stuff.  I don't have a bench anymore, but just some fifteen pound hand weights would be great to have around again.

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Offline poomcgoo

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 08:10:43 AM »
If you want to build muscle then the best advice is simply to lift hard and eat big.  I stopped lifting over the summer and I feel like a bum now that I'm not working out.  I'm definitely gonna get back into it, because I've lost nearly everything I gained before.  I did lots of research before I started lifting last time, so I know a good amount of what I'm doing.  I can't remember all of it, but here's the gist of it.  Some of these are strictly for if you're looking to build muscle mass.  If you're trying to cut, then don't eat the million calories you'd eat if you're trying to gain, and vice versa.

For Muscle:
- Eat a ton of calories a day (good calories, not two #3's on the McDonald's value menu)
- Lift 70-90% of your max with a low amount of reps. 
- Don't forget cardio!
- For protein, try to eat as many grams a day as you weigh in pounds.  If you were to start lifting now, start with about 140 grams of protein/day, and move up to your weight, 180 (grams).
- Grab some protein powder, and even creatine if you feel like it, because they're the only supplements that actually work aside from illegal steroids when you're looking for big gains in muscle mass.

For cutting:
- Cardio, of course.  Do this a lot.  There's not much else to say.
- Keep lifting.  You don't have to go all-out, but why would you not lift if you're already at the gym?
- Don't shave off too many calories from your diet.  Still keep your protein intake fairly high.  You should be eating with a calorie defecit of 200-400 only.  Check this calorie thing to see what your BASE caloric intake should be based on your weight (ie. the calories your body burns over the course of a normal day).  From there, subtract the 200-400 calories.
- If you're into supplements, try the ECA stack (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin).  I used this for a little bit, and it works fucking wonders.  Doing HALF of your normal cardio routine on ECA burned more fat for me than a full routine without it.  Some people don't want to mess around with ephedrine, though.

For both:
- Mix up your muscle groups, because it really is important to let your body rest. 
- Carbs aren't bad for you, but there are good ones and bad ones.  Eat lots of whole wheat/whole grain stuff, because the carbs in those are different than those in the white breads.  It has a lot to do with your body's sugar levels and insulin, but I don't feel like typing about it just as much as none of you feel like reading about it.
- Eat 6 smaller meals a day as opposed to 3 bigger ones.  This increases your metabolism.
- Make a routine and stick to it.  No wandering around wondering what to do next.

I can't really think of anything else.  I'm glad you posted this because it gave me another reason to start thinking about a new routine, and after typing all this I feel like it's time to get back into it.  This is just the shit I used to do at the gym, and it worked very well.  Again, all of this just boils down to eating a lot and lifting hard.

EDIT: Don't do the vegetarian thing.  The only reason you lose weight on that is because it's unhealthy.  Veggies have tons of carbs, and if you don't burn the carbs off your body converts them to sugars which make you fat.  You might look skinnier or weigh less, but that's because you lost all your muscle and replaced (some of) it with fat.  That's where scrawny guys get their bitch tits.  Anomaly or vegan?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 08:36:29 AM »
Yeah, I wouldn't do that again just because I know it wasn't good for me.  The main thing I learned was that if you just fucking stop eating stuff that's terrible for you and start exercising, you can lose weight fast.  In that case, a little too fast.  But since I was exercising I wasn't getting messed up over it, and I felt way better after that just from cutting out all the fast food and junk I was doing.  I don't go veggie anymore, but I'm starting to finally learn ways to eat better without being ridiculous.  I've more or less finally got the knowledge I need, I just have to put it all into a plan and execute it.  Today was the first morning of said plan, so just gotta' stick with it.

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Offline angrykeebler

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 11:05:00 AM »
I've lost 50 pounds since late October. I go to the YMCA 6 days a week and I run 5 miles a day. I used to run in high school and I was surprised how long I was able to stay up when I first started running in October. My target weight is 175 which I hope to be by mid to late Feb.

If you want to lose weight just run, run, run. You start off maybe a mile or two a day and you'll feel super sore but just stick with it. I think this week I will try for 6 miles a day.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline Antares

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 04:29:29 PM »
Poom gave some pretty decent advice but I disagree on a few points.

1.  I don't recommend or use any supplements aside from possibly a protien shake.  If you're looking to gain mass Creatine does work, but it makes the body retain water in the muscle tissue, lots of people end up with puffy looking faces from all the water retention. Creatine is also hard on the kidneys, and can be dangerous if you don't drink water constantly while you're on it.  Also, although you will gain muscle mass much of the weight and definition you see early on comes from water retention, and as soon as you stop taking the supplement you'll loose 5-10 pounds within the next couple days.  Ephedra is similar to caffeine in that it is a central nervous system stimulant, it may help you loose weight but I'm not sure if the rewards are worth the risk.  It was pulled off the market for a while when a few otherwise healthy people had heart attacks from taking large doses.

2.  Lifting weights is a great solution to build muscle as well as loose fat, I personally rarely train high weight/low rep, but it can be beneficial especially for gaining sheer muscle mass.  There is a substantially higher risk of injury from working out with that much weight, so I would advise against it unless you're an experienced lifter with a workout partner who can help spot and correct technique.   If you're relatively new to lifting scott, it may not be a bad idea to join a gym, you'll probably get a free session with a trainer who can show you around and show you some proper technique.  I'd recommend sticking with a routine of 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps, and maybe going down to sets of 5-6 reps occasionally for major muscle groups.

I agree that cardio is probably the most important factor in weight loss, the more you do the better.  I find that I have a much easier time with cardio when I find an activity I actually enjoy.

Also, since scott mentioned it, I'll just say that I have an absolutely abysmal history of keeping up with workout routines that involve me getting up early in the morning.  After a short time it becomes much too easy to start sleeping in.  I have better success working out during my lunch break or in the evening, even though the best time of day to work out is supposedly early in the morning.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 05:20:43 PM »
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that whole fat face thing.  Some guy at the gym here had a big fat face but he was huge.  I could never tell if it was from creatine or steroids.

Creatine isn't dangerous to your kidneys unless you have an already-existing kidney disease/problem.  If you don't have a kidney problem, there have been plenty of studies that show creatine has zero effect on your renal system.  You're right about drinking a lot of water though.  Creatine draws your body's water by nature to shuttle it to your muscle tissue, so you need to drink a lot of water and keep fully hydrated.    It's mostly for people who are serious about lifting.  Creatine is really unnecessary in terms of working out, but when you feel like you've hit a plateau and you need that extra strength/mass, it works.

Ephedrine is a little different.  It can be very safe if taken correctly, but can be very unsafe if you're fucking around.  Take too much and you have a problem, obviously, but the same is true with anything.  Hell, too much water will kill you.  If you have a heart condition it's probably not a good idea, but otherwise as long as you stick to the normal dose you will not have a problem.  Once more, though, I'd like to reiterate that Ephedrine isn't for everybody.  It can be dangerous if you take too much.  It isn't something to mess around with, I only suggested it because it worked very well for me. 

Creatine and Ephedrine aren't even on the same level in terms of risk, though.  Ant is definitely right -- start out slow, don't do too much too fast or you'll hurt yourself.  Work up to a level you're comfortable with and then decide if you want to put on a few pounds of extra muscle.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 05:27:42 PM »
I find that I have a much easier time with cardio when I find an activity I actually enjoy.

This is also awesome advice.  I absolutely fucking hate to run.  Whenever I had a chance, I'd substitute the treadmill for a few laps in the pool or 10-15 mins with the jumprope.  Swimming and jumping rope are two of the biggest calorie burners, as is running, but there's something awesome about swimming around and having it count as your cardio for the day.  If you hate your workout, it'll be that much harder to get yourself to do it.  Motivation can be a bitch.

Offline Raisa

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 05:49:36 PM »
regarding the vegetarian thing.. I say keep your mouth shut about it cause you just don't know.   I'm not going further on this one.

Regarding carbs and all that... complex carbs are good for you, simple carbs aren't.  Look up what complex carbs are and what's better for your body.  Look up simple proteins and complex proteins and read up what's better too.


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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #14 on: Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 08:32:00 PM »
As far as the Veggie thing goes, I'm sure there is a great body of literature on how to eat vegetarian and still get the proper balance of carbs and protien.  My feeling is that being vegetarian is a hobby and a lifestyle all in itself.  It isn't easy to do and requires too much thought, preperation and dedication for anyone who isn't serious about it.

That said, I do agree with Poom insofar as I think a serious athlete burning upwards of 4000 calories a day would find it difficult to find a vegetarian diet that would meet those caloric and nutritional needs without eating constantly.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 11:05:01 AM »
regarding the vegetarian thing.. I say keep your mouth shut about it cause you just don't know.   I'm not going further on this one.

Regarding carbs and all that... complex carbs are good for you, simple carbs aren't.  Look up what complex carbs are and what's better for your body.  Look up simple proteins and complex proteins and read up what's better too.

Simple carbs = white breads/pasta etc...
Complex carbs = whole wheat breads/pasta etc...  There's not much more to it than that.

And I know enough about vegetarianism to know that it's not for me.  Sure, there are some health benefits to it, but there are also drawbacks.  Vegans who don't exercise are on the fast track to Type II Diabetes.  Doesn't happen to everybody, but it certainly happens. (edit: I should also make it clear that it probably wouldn't happen to somebody who counts carbs and such)

Like anything else in life, too much of a good thing can become a not so good thing.  An all meat diet would give you plenty of protein and fiber, both of which are really healthy and great for people who lift, but at the same time you'd be depriving your body of all the nutrients found in vegetables.  It's all about balance.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 02:57:16 PM »
I've been working out at a gym for a bit over three years now.
Interestingly, I didn't start seeing very good results until about three months ago. Before, I was trying to build muscle and lose weight at the same time, which meant I would combine weight training with lots of running and elliptical machines. Although I lost a fair bit of weight, I didn't see much muscle gain.

Three months ago, I changed my focus to only building muscle. I ditched the cardio, started taking protein shakes 3 times a day, and went from 2 to 5 meals a day. Since then, I've gone from 170 to 190 lbs, and feel like I have less body fat than I did before.

So my tip is to focus on one aspect at a time (gaining muscle or losing fat) -- note that gaining muscle will probably also cause you to lose fat.

But if you want to lose fat, you could try what my dad did: daily swims in very cold water. He claims he lost 50 lbs this way without changing his diet. He even did some thermodynamical calculations to figure out how much energy (i.e. calories) he would use to keep his body at 37 ºC given the water temperature... it ends up being quite a lot. (Yes, he's an engineer.)

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 06:45:21 PM »
Good advice there, it seems obvious that it should be impossible to gain weight and lose it at the same time, but I'd wager that a majority of people you see every day in the gym are trying to do exactly that, especially the men.  If you're looking to put on muscle mass the only way to get results is to lift and eat like a maniac.  You can worry about trimming down some excess fat after you've gained the mass. Lots of people miss this concept entirely.

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Re: Any excercise freaks in here?
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 08:06:32 PM »
I think I'll just run for a while and get rid of some fat, then I'll work on some kind of muscle building later.  All I know is I can't stand this gut I'm getting.