I also wasn't convinced that humanity would turn into total chaos because children had stopped being born.
It could be a sign of humanity could eventually be dead, if nothing can be created anymore. Especially if civilization isn't doing anything to change this; they just let the Gov't control them.
And obviously, they weren't doin' anything to change any of this.
Civilization got lucky w/ Kee getting pregnant, basically.
I also couldn't stand the sobbing in the opening scene. Yes the youngest person in the world died... he wasn't your relative.
Well, he was killed over not signing a photograph. That kind of death is senseless.
Senseless just like reporting he was the "World's Youngest person..."
...Well, unless you have a serial killer going around killing off each time who becomes the "World's Youngest Person", after the previous one is killed!

What this movie is doing is obviously taking shots at how the media (especially today) is always glorifying "senseless news." For example, look at the most recent news in the paper -- who the hell cares about what Paris Hilton going to jail?
Also, what the movie is trying to also say that in our future, we'll still see more "senseless news" being reported by the media.