Yea, the expansion really seems designed for levels 1-20 and 60-70. Not sure what the Dranei level 10-20 zone is like, but I got bored of the Blood Elf one pretty quickly. I mean, I like the visuals and everything, but once I got to 16 or so and got my uber blue quest sword on my pally, I went to the barrens and started on WC quests.
From then on it became the same old grind. I eventually started using a leveling guide just so I could get leveled up as fast as possible, but ended up stopping at 42. I think I got further than I do on most characters, and faster, simply because I enjoy playing a paladin so much. (I've wanted to play one for a long time, but feel tied to the server my rogue is on) Once I get some of the non set pvp gear on my rogue I'll start working on my pally again.