Author Topic: Spineless  (Read 4478 times)

Offline PyroMenace

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« on: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:50:18 PM »
So work is being more and more of a jackass to me. Tonight something came up that kinda fumed me a little. Though Im about to sound a little contradictory but I've never been called "candy ass" before so I think I'll get it off my chest. I go to work, paying little attention to my bosses, I do my job, I go home. The only thing I ask is that you leave me alone. Now when my boss gets onto me about something thats total bullshit, I just nod, and totally ignore what the fucker just said and be on my merry way. I dont get worked up over it, I dont throw a bitch fit, and most of all, I dont bring the bullshit home with me. You can accuse me of being spineless or whatever all you want, but I refuse to get worked up over a job that virtually takes little effort. On the flip side of the coin, people who make a fuss out of everything, or how they say "dont take shit from anyone" make the biggest moan and bitchfests ever. Oh so your boss asked you to do a little extra work, go cry me a river you fucking pansy, the job is bullshit as you said it was so a little extra effort wont kill you, dont like it, quit. Oh your still here, thats what I thought. I swear these people that make a deal about themselves and bitch the most about the job only exposes them to how whipped they really are. So no, I dont feel like leading a crusade against my boss who's a dick over this bullshit job. I'm just gonna keep doing what Im doing and if he doesnt like it, he can fire me. So its not me getting owned by my boss, its whether or not my boss wants to lose an employee in my position which is rather hard to replace. Alright I'm done. 

Offline gpw11

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:52:53 PM »
Your boss called you a candyass?

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:58:28 PM »
lol, no. One of my co-workers did as a response to my situation.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #3 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:13:41 AM »
See, it depends on the situation entirely.  I've had jobs where I've butted heads with bosses constantly because it's always about something that actually affected me.  "I need you in at 5 am tomorrow."  dude, it's 8pm right now and I've been here 12 hours...fuck that.  or "no fucking way I'm working 7 days in a row without overtime".  or the always classic "I don't care about the union, I'm going to get changed, punch out, and then not calculate the 5 min. difference on the time card because it's much more convenient for me to do so rather than walk all the way over the place.  I know where you're coming from, but I'm in high school and don't give a shit."

But other times yeah I agree with you that it's not worth getting worked up's not your career...whatever.  I also think it's funny that some people get so worked up over some stupid shit at their jobs.  What, you'll empty a grease trap but you won't mop a floor?

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #4 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:34:11 AM »
Yea your right, it is really a situational thing, but that last part nails it. I work with a bunch of pansies. Basically my situation is that my boss is telling me I can't talk to someone during my break, its a friend of mine who works in the cafeteria. I have no idea why, but for some reason its a real snake up their ass that I spend 10 minutes talking to her. So I think well thats total bullshit that they cant prevent me from doing what I want during my break. Wrong. Policy states that I take my breaks in appointed areas. This point of policy is pretty lax as far as everyone is concerned and not to mention my boss doesnt even work my shift. The main thing is, WHY THE FUCK DOES MY BOSS CARE?!? So everyone thinks im a pansy for not standing up to him, I say fuck him, fuck the policy, if he doesnt like it, he can fire me. I honestly would like to see him fire me over this, I really would like to know how big of an assface he really is. I dont think he has the balls to do with the position I have. 

Offline gpw11

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #5 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:40:04 AM »
That's a whacked policy, do you work at CTU by any chance?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #6 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:46:21 AM »
Seriously, what the fuck?  This is the kind of shit I hate.  Useless rules that exist for no reason whatsoever.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #7 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:49:06 AM »
They exist because it makes it harder for the terrorists to infiltrate the core areas of the organization.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #8 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:53:49 AM »
That's a whacked policy, do you work at CTU by any chance?

I work at a hospital, in the environmental services department where policy and procedure is way up our asses as cleanliness would be a high priority in a hospital. Our management is just a clusterfuck of so much bullshit... its just better to ignore it than get caught up in it or else it'll leave you mindfucked for life.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #9 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 03:01:34 AM »
That sucks, I probably would have said something to the boss though, that's me though.  Whenever I butt heads with a boss(it has to be something fairly serious too), I usually try to make them look stupid, if they are being stupid that is, bonus points for me if I do it in front of a large group of people and completely humiliate them.  Part of your thinking is right though, not to bitch and moan about every little thing a boss asks or tell you to do, like whiny ass people do, but if its over something trivial(sounds like it is) and the boss is just getting off on his/her authority, I would call them out on it. Like GPW said though, its situational and I don't know everything about your job.  Your co-worker was being a douche though calling you a candy ass in your situation, I would have probably been more mad at the co-worker than the boss.

Offline Antares

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #10 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 05:53:13 PM »
I guess I've just been lucky as far as bosses go, I've never had one who made unreasonable demands of me.  I think part of the battle is establishing yourself as both a good worker and someone who isn't going to be pushed around by unreasonable demands from the very start is necessary.  But, like I said just about every boss I've ever had has been really laid back and out of my hair 99.9% of the time.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #11 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 07:55:25 PM »
I've determined something, and it makes me sound sexist: I hate women bosses.  Seriously.  I have had probably 10 female bosses in my lifetime, and I have hated every single one with all the hate a person can muster.  They've all been ignorant, full of themselves, and entirely incapable of doing their jobs properly.  The only boss I ever had that I actually liked was a man.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  He was the only boss I ever had that didn't seem to think being boss was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him.  And he was a great boss because of that and the fact that he actually knew what he was doing.  Female bosses?  All the complete opposite.  They couldn't do what they were supposed to properly, and they all thought being the boss was the most important thing in their lives.  I've seen bad male bosses too, so it isn't like I think your chances are infinitely better in that regard, I've just determined that it's nearly impossible to have a female boss that doesn't suck.

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Offline scottws

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Re: Spineless
« Reply #12 on: Friday, February 16, 2007, 08:47:25 PM »
I've had two female bosses so far.  One was horrible:  a terrible micromanager that was so short-sighted I am surprised she could see past her own nose.  She constantly contradicted herself too.

She made us do all kinds of reporting on what we did each day:  how many calls we made, how many of these certain forms we entered, how many address changes on accounts we made, how many letters we sent out, describe what we did each 15 minutes of the day, etc.  This stupid report took like 15 minutes to write up at the end of the day.

The problem?  My boss wanted us on the outbound dialer 100% of the working day, and I mean to the minute.  It was so bad you felt like you were going to get written up for going to the bathroom.  I'm not kidding.  Also, you were not allowed to work over 8 hours in a day.  Period.  I would frequently be working until 5:15 (15 minutes over my shift) to make up that retarded report.  I wouldn't even count the time on my timesheet, but my building log-in showed me there to long and my boss would always be on me about it.  I told her either we have to be given time at the end of the day to do the report or we need to stay 15 minutes extra, there was no way around it.

She just said we should start working on it our last few calls.  I'm thinking, "How?  You make us type the call notes while we're on the call instead of after it so we maximize talk time.  How am I going to type notes and this fucking stupid report at the same time?"

Such bullshit.

I have a female manager now.  She has a hint of micromanageryness, but no where near as bad.  But I liked my old supervisor before her better: a man.  But for some reason shortly after I started the two switched teams.

Male managers are much more focused on actual strategic goals, not "Oh my you were one minute late today!"  You get away with more with a male manager, but I think morale tends to be better under a male manger in my experience as a result which actually increases productivity and the intangible favors that are likely to result from the respect you have for your boss.

Female managers are more short-sighted and expect ridiculous things, like you have to do two things that are in conflict with one another (like leaving on time but yet still doing a report at the end of the day somehow that you aren't allowed to do off the phone and can't do while on it).  Or like my current job where not so much my immediate (female) supervisor but her (female) boss wants us to just roll through the incoming call queue.  I do help desk, and I would think we would actually try to, you know, help fix whatever the problem is that people are calling about, not just get off the phone to get the next call.  But that's all she seems to care about is rolling through the queue quickly.

It is sexist I guess, but in my experience it's pretty true.