I noticed, Best Buy & Circuit City in particular, starting doing such a deal -- instead of the actual CD containing an exclusive extra track (Best Buy did that w/ Matisyahu's last album "Youth", which was cool, adding an extra track on the actual disc as an exclusive), they now are giving you an extra exclusive track digitally.
For example, the new Nas album "Hip Hop Is Dead" CD comes w/ an exclusive extra song if bought at Best Buy -- but, you have to download the song from the website (the song is available for only a CERTAIN amount of time from that web site) and follow the directions and enter a code that came on a paper in w/ CD booklet -- BTW, the extra song for download: "Where Y'all At?" by Nas.
I couldn't play the song in Windows Media Player, when I DL'ed it off of Firefox b/c it "couldn't authenticate the cookies". Though, when I re-downloaded it through Windows Internet Explorer, low and behold, NO PROBLEM -- plays in WMP fine. Weird
Now, I did look at the song. The downloaded song comes wrapped w/ "Protection" around it.
So, how does this "Protection" work? I will eventually want to put this on CD, sometime soon probably. So, will I be able to burn it to CD once even? Will I be able to burn it only a certain amount of times??? Or when I burn it once, then the file disappears? Any idea???