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Ananova: Masturbating woman disturbs studentsMale students at a US university called police after a young woman walked into their house and started masturbating.The woman went into a Michigan University frat house and began to masturbate on a couch, reports the Michigan Daily.Fraternity president Dan Nye said fraternity members were eating in the dining room at the time.The woman told them her name was Melissa and she was a student at Eastern Michigan University.She was between 20 and 30 years old, had short brown hair and appeared to be under the influence of drugs."Obviously, she was very disturbed," Nye said. "It was not how a normal person would respond to people."No one saw her enter the house but the front door had been left propped open because it was being repaired.Fraternity members asked the woman to leave the house, but she refused and continued masturbating for about half an hour, Nye said.When members asked the woman if she was all right, she casually replied that she was fine, he said. At one point she was talking on her mobile phone.She walked out wearing only a thigh-length black coat after a fraternity member called the police. By the time police arrived, minutes later, she had already left.
If that happened here at the University of Tennessee, they would have formed a circle jerk, fucked her and not kicked her out. That's why we're awesome.
... that makes you awesome?
Physiology of Boobs 101
I just looked up 'circle jerk' and wish I hadn't.