As reported by
the NY times. Worth a read.You know what? I hate all the big fuckers. Apple, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Sierra, eBay etc. All these big companies suck because they do typical big company bullshit stuff. The sad thing is they were all at some point fan boy favorites when they were young. Microsoft was well loved back in the day, Electronic Arts were gods in their early days and Sierra was my favorite development team when people like Roberta Williams were creating titles like King's Quest.
Currently they are all monsters trying their best and hardest to rape you and shove as much crap down your throat as possible. They are like the lawyers who will try to bill you for as many things as possible, and sneak more in the fine print.
When someone picks on Google, I automatically hate them even more. We've watched Google grow up from a tiny search engine to a massive business that still has plenty of good will. I frankly still like Google. Most of their software is good, isn't bloated and their search engine kicks all sorts of ass. Plus they turned the e-mail business on its head by providing massive accounts. I love them for that.
I recommend everyone read that article, but it seems that both Microsoft and Google were bidding for a company called Double Click. Microsoft lost, so they thought it prudent to file an antitrust suit. It seems their attitude is,"If we can't have it, no one can.... Muhahaha." (Minus the muhahaha)