I hope they're granted the resources to support the game as much as they'd like to.
I do agree, even if it means "forever" (hopefully not taking "Forever" like "Duke Nukem") until their next game comes out!
Now that I've read more of Obsidian's feedback I get the impression that there's so much they want to do, but little time and resources to accomplish it all.
That's what it seems like, yeah.
I ain't finished NWN2: Original Campaign yet, but from what y'all say about the ending, it seems like the game was really cut-off at a "cliffhanger point" in the full story, as if they picked a cut-off point b/c they had to get the game out the door...
That's what DS2 felt like. The ending was like, "Okay....this is the end??!?!" Same goes for the end of Gothic 2, as well. Sometimes I wonder about some of these RPG's, w/ the way they ending them -- it's as if they run out of time designing them, so they find a chop-off point in the story and then decide they will continue it and finish the story with an Expansion.
I respect them for standing by their product and acknowledging the flaws.
Agreed 100%.
The "Two Dragons" Side Quest Battle, if you want to do Nolalath (spelling?) a "favor"
The cinematic leading up to the fight, after attacking the crystal, was awesome.
When fighting w/ the two dragons, OMG -- I got my ass handed to me, every time I tried it. Wasn't even close. I'd barely get one dragon to even "Badly Wounded" status.
(I should note, I usually play on Hardcore D&D Rules when playing D&D Rules...That is what I play NWN2 on...)
Eventually, I just said, "Skip this -- maybe I'll come back later to this (when I'm a higher level) or just not even do that side quest!" Heh!