I understand that it was self defense, its the double standard of a kid being able to use a good skillfully for "good" is ok, but when it they use one skillfully to kill innocents it's blamed on videogames.
I'll guarantee you that the parents will take credit for teaching her how to be a surgeon with a fucking shotgun, but it she shot the shit out of the fifth grade they would denounce the fact that they even let her hold a gun.
I actually don't understand your point, for which I apologize. You are saying that it is unfair to credit her for using a weapon because she chose to do it in the right circumstance? What? I mean, isn't that when you are supposed to credit someone? When they choose to use a skill in the correct circumstance? For example a knife cutting a steak is alright, but stabbing obviously isn't.
The only purpose of having a lethal weapon (such as a gun) in the house is for defense. Wasn't this the right circumstance to use a firearm?
You say it is a double standard, but what I see you saying is,''its the double standard of a kid being able to use a gun skillfully for "good" is ok, but when they use it skillfully to do "bad" it isn't OK."
It is only a double standard if it isn't OK for a twelve year old to use a firearm under
any circumstance. I think there are certain extreme circumstances where it is OK, and this is one of them.
Anyway I am going to bed, it is nearly 4:00 am here. It will be interesting to see where this thread ends up when I wake up. I hope the discussion continues to be good natured.
A black man in my county was tried for using an illegal gun to defend his house against intruders. How is it ok for a child to use a gun, but not for an adult.
Well if they were the exact same circumstances, then it is a double standard, but I doubt it. I'd like to read up on that case, if you could provide a linky.