You have like the worst luck of anyone I know... at least with these things. At least there's a good chance he can't complain about you're stuff now. Of course, with a dick you can't put it pass them.
Really, we need to move you out to somewhere cool. A couple weeks ago we had a minor disagreement with a neighbor because he had a mini-BBQ behind my car and Aimee hit it while backing out when she was going to pick me up from work. She didn't know who's it was, no damage was done, and no one was watching it, so she just picked it up and left. When we got home there was a note on our door that basically said "Never touch my stuff." I took a chance and guessed who's grill it was guessed right. I went in apologizing and we made peace pretty quickly. I explained we didn't know who's it was and that it was a mistake. He said he overracted and apologize for the note. It was more or less how misunderstandings should be worked out, you know? Hell, the dude even apologize again when I ran into him a week later.
It never really occurred to me that going in calm, apologetic, and rationally would result in anything but some sort of understanding. How can it not between two reasonable people just trying to live in the same building? Maybe it was because I've spoken breifly with the person before so I knew a little going in, but I more or less feel the same way about anyone in our building. The sad reality is things don't work that nicely with scum, and there's a lot of scum out there. I had some in my old building... well, just one who played horrible rap music loud enough for the entire building to hear. The place was big enough that I was never really able to figure out what room she was in, but I did send over security several times when she insisted on doing it 1am once a week. Too bad I figured out they were buddies with the security guards, probably because they were over there on a daily basis and were probably both scum, so they banded together. That was lame.