I'm sure pretty much everyone is aware, there has been some actual progress toward getting a front page ready, as well as a podcast. There has been a bit of a lull lately, so I thought I'd make a post to keep things moving forward. I also would like to let everyone know that I am still pending word from the Border Patrol on my application, and my lease runs out at my current apartment on 06/24. I'll more than likely be staying with some friends until I hear for sure one way or the other. I have decided that my broken down old computer isn't going to be worth taking with me, and I likely won't be buying a replacement for at least a few weeks. This means I will have limited or no access to the site for an unknown amount of time in around 2 weeks.
Looking at what we have accomplished this far I think it it completely possible to have a working front page up and going before I have to move. Here's a refresher on everything going on lately:
Front Page as it exists currentlyOW Logo ThreadPodcast TrheadBrainstorming and Podcast ThreadIt appears we are still missing 4 main ingredients before launching the page:
- Finalized Logo Idol/Que/Beo
- Space on the Frontpage for the Podcast Ant/Cools
- Creation of Needed forums Scott/Ant/Cools
- Final consensus/approval on everything
I'm not trying to stick anyone into doing anything they don't want to do, but I've stuck names by items it seems that people have been working toward so far.
Edit: in case anyone is wondering, the downloading of the podcast over the last week or so only resulted in 3.6% of the overall bandwidth use for the site, so essentially a drop in the bucket compared to the overhead for the forums so we have no current issue as far as hosting the podcast is concerned
EDIT by Que - Links were broken, just stepped in to fix them.