Author Topic: Garry (of Garrys Mod) says what I've been saying  (Read 1756 times)

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Garry (of Garrys Mod) says what I've been saying
« on: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 08:42:36 PM »

Shack: From your perspective, what's the state of the mod community like right now?

Garry Newman: I don't know what's going on. You've got these big-ass mods like Black Mesa that have awesome graphics, but they've been in development for three years and all they've given us is 64 highly sharpened screenshots.

But on the other hand you've got these great mods that are released, like Insect Infestation, and hardly anyone's playing. It kind of pains me to see that Insect Infestation isn't making much of a splash. It's doing everything right. It's different, it's releasing regular updates, but no one's paying attention.

Shack: Do you think the reason for this is that mods are being held to a higher standard of presentation now? Has the industry gotten so big that mods now have to compete with retail titles?

Garry Newman: I think so. I also think the motives behind making mods have changed slightly. Making a mod is now a well established path into the industry, so they're making the mod as the portfolio piece. Where as before it was just a couple of guys slapping code about to extend the life of their favorite game.

Shack: Then what would you suggest to mod teams to help them avoid getting held up on the details? Start with a simple idea and build on it?

Garry Newman: I would recommend the iterative method to anyone.

The main argument about this is that they don't want to release a shit version of their idea and turn everyone off. Fair enough, but it's going to be so much worse if you work your balls off on it for 2 years then release, and your idea is still rubbish. Iterating would have let you know that this idea isn't working out, so you could adjust it. In every update you're picking up more people playing your mod. You build a community.

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Re: Garry (of Garrys Mod) says what I've been saying
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 09:35:43 PM »
Yeah, I agree completely.

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Re: Garry (of Garrys Mod) says what I've been saying
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 09:46:44 PM »
Its going to be pretty funny once Black Mesa releases. People will go nuts...omgomg and all that. Then after the first few levels it'll sink in that its just a remake of HL1.

If only that much energy was going towards something original.

One thing I'm hearing in the various modding circles is that Source isn't all its cracked up to be. Theres plenty of mappers and maps are easy to get in. Models are harder but still doable. Its when you get into the CODE where you run into problems. Its a hard engine to code for, especially compared to other engines. Thats why you see all these mods that look great in screenshots and such with nice maps, models, and textures...but still aren't anywhere close to releasing.

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Re: Garry (of Garrys Mod) says what I've been saying
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 03:40:12 PM »
To be honest, I was never into the modding thing anyway.  I played Wolf Tactics once and it sucked.  I tried to get into that alien mod for HL (why can't I remember the name?) and it was okay, but it was fucking retarded if one team or the other got all the spots because they were basically an unstoppable force.  I played Red Orchestra when it was in beta.  Seemed interesting but no one really played it.  I think the most I ever played with was like three other people.

Now for mods I liked.  Day of Defeat was pretty good and had lots of people playing it, but I sucked at it.  Desert Combat for BF1942 was great, but by the time I got BF1942, no one was playing it anymore, much less a mod of it so I never really got to experience how cool it could have been.  I tried the two Minerva levels for HL2, but they were just more HL2 and there has only been two maps, with the last one releasing ages ago.

I just don't really care about mods.