Author Topic: I acctually got somewhere in a roguelike  (Read 2162 times)

Offline idolminds

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I acctually got somewhere in a roguelike
« on: Saturday, October 21, 2006, 12:19:17 PM »
I completed a quest in Ancient Domains of Mystery!

I started out in the first dungeon, killed some stuff and leveled up. I left and went into the first town, bought some rations for the trip, and talked to the village elder. He told me about another cave that has all sorts of baddies in it. The local carpenter went to check it out but he never returned. So it was my job to find him. I located the cave to the east and went inside.

Fight fight fight...the usual. I am a ranger, so I'm firing my bow at things from a distance. This is working out really well since not many things can fire back, so they die before they can even touch me. Just a pain going around collecting my arrows out of bodies.

Things get interesting once I reach the 4th level of the dungeon. I met a healer. I talked to him. He can heal me (I was uninjured at the time, though), and he told me about compassion or something. I move on.

This next level I met some orcs. I didnt fire right away because they were neutral to me. I talked to one and she was hungry. I offered one of my rations but she wasnt interested. Must have liked the gesture though because she was friendly to me. Then another orc showed up and she asked me a question that I didnt really understand...whatever, she wasnt trying to kill me.

I then ran into a doppleganger. Looked just like me! ZOMG! I tried to kill it but it deflected my arrows. This pissed it off..heh. I had to use my wimpy dagger and get up close. I'm still not sure if I ever killed it or if it knew how to teleport, because I kept running into it all around the level. I think it attacked one of my orc freinds. I went back by the orcs and one was injured. Since it was my doppleganger, they thought I attacked them. Oh well, only had to kill the one.

On one of these levels I tripped a pit trap. I avoided falling in, but then 8 snakes crawled out all at once. Luckily it was in a hallway so it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Further down I to level 7 I found the carpenter. He had gone mad and would kill anything. I didnt want to kill him, though. He chased after me and I lead him back to the healer (killing and avoiding other enemies as we went). The healer cured him! Woo! He left behind some useful items, a book that taught me how to build a bridge, some money, etc. The carpenter left to go back to town.

When I got back to town, the carpenter would teach me more about building bridges...which I be comes in handy. The eldar told me of another dungeon I must locate to the west, in the mountains. He also told the local shop keeper to lower his prices on everything for me. Woohoo!

So...thats the awesome part.

I went out in search of this other dungeon. I had to swim across a river and nearly drowned. I was attacked by two packs of jackals. I found one cave, but it was pitch back and couldnt see anything. I found another and I ran into an iron titan. None of my attacks could damage him, so he killed me before I could get back to the exit.

It was fun looking through the list of monsters I had killed. 38 jackals! Those packs were pretty big.

Offline scottws

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Re: I acctually got somewhere in a roguelike
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, October 21, 2006, 12:44:00 PM »
So I take it RL games are really hard then?

Offline idolminds

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Re: I acctually got somewhere in a roguelike
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, October 21, 2006, 12:57:45 PM »
In most RLs, you die before you can even level up once. Hell, depending on how the dungeon is generated, you can die on your first move. That happened to me.

Welcome to Nethack!
*move one step to the left*
You trigger a boulder trap.
You die.

It takes some getting used to, but you can get better at them. You always have to remember that the game is turn based, and there are a LOT of actions available to you at any time.

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Re: I acctually got somewhere in a roguelike
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, October 21, 2006, 02:48:40 PM »
I love roguelikes, yet hate them at the same time.  I really want a good one for PSP, but unfortunately, the only one I can find is Nethack and it isn't really a good port.  You need so many controls and you can only do so much with the PSP.  Too confusing to even be worthwhile.

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