I used to read comics when I was in grades 5-7, and I always remember thinking DC had the shittiest heros. I just looked at that picture of the justice league in the article and decided that they still have the shittiest heroes.
-The Atom. Actually not too bad, but I believe he can only shrink right? He needs to be able to grow as well. So he could like climb on top of someone's head and turn into a giant and be all like "Booya bitch"
-Hawkman. Seriously, he can fly. Great. That'd be cool if there wasn't already a guy who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes while lifting a 747 and throwing it at you.
-Aquaman. Gaaaaaaay. I can breathe underwater. Yeah, well, superman can hold his breath for a really long time. And throw submarines at people.
-The Flash. Again, wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the fact that Superman is already really fast. And like, how fast is super fast? It's hard to define because it's a thin line between being not really all that fast but still the fastest person in the world so you're usefull if the villain doesn't have a v8 turbocharged and being so fast that there's no point in the story because you're so fast no one could ever stop you...ever.
-Wonderwoman. I don't really know anything about her except she has bulletproof bracelets and an invisible plane. The second part is just dumb. Wait, so is the first. Yet again, superman can fly and is bulletproof.
-Superman. Booooooooring. How can he ever really lose? And beyond that, why is it that the most powerfull person in the universe's arch enemy is some normal guy with a lot of money? That's just dumb.
-Batman. Batman actually is cool. I like to think he's just some rich guy, but he's crazy as fuck. That's a personal addition to the storyline I put into use in order to make anything involving batman all the more awesome.
-Martian Manhunter. I know nothing about him except his name is pretty queer and whatever his power is Superman either already has it or can outdo it.
-Green Latern. Like Batman, he's actually pretty cool. Actually I can't say that for sure because I know very little about him, but the power he has is pretty cool. Make anything with a ring and kick ass with it? Yes. Except for that whole "No Yellow" thing. Worst weakness ever. "Oh, no the bank is being robbed. If only the culprit wasn't in a yellow wheel chair."
-Green Arrow. Yeah, there's already a normal guy. His name is batman and he's way fucking cooler. Also, what the hell is the point of using a bow and arrow? It's just as lethal as a gun, but there's a reason armies don't use it to fight wars anymore.
-I have no idea who that other chick is, and as such her power probably sucks and Superman can totally already do it.