Author Topic: Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)  (Read 5048 times)

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)
« on: Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 01:37:46 AM »
Anyone got a chance to hear this yet?  For the curious Nile is a death metal band, also considered a black metal band by some.  Their new album, Ithyphallic came out a couple of days ago.  I'm digging it so far, but I'm going to have to give it a little more of a listen to before I post further impressions.  You can actually listen one of their songs from the album on their MySpace page, its the one with a crazy long title "Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is in the Water".

I hadn't listened to Nile in awhile and now I'm going through some of their older stuff too.  It sucks that I'm not going to be able to see these guys at Ozzfest since I spaced out on getting free tickets this year.
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 01:29:31 AM by TheOtherBelmont »

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, July 25, 2007, 06:23:43 AM »
I don't know what to make of Nile.  They're a crazy group... got a weird sound.  I only have one album (In Their Darkened Shrines), but I was never able to truly get into it.  I dug elements of it (the song from it on the MySpace page is a cool one... reminds me of Behemoth).  I think on the whole the album was just a little too rambly and uncontrolled.  Though I really appreciated the crazy-detailed liner notes with all the background info. on the inspiration for the music.  That impressed me.

Anyway, I'll check out their new stuff.  It's been a long time since I've listened to them.  I like the song from their new album on the MySpace page.  Sounds a lot tighter than the stuff on the album I've got.

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, July 26, 2007, 11:41:33 AM »
After listening to it several times, I can easily say this is a great album.  Que, if you like Behemoth, I'm surprised you don't like Nile as much, considering Behemoth cites Nile as one of their biggest influences.  I understand what you said about In Their Darkened Shrines being a bit hectic, this new album is a lot tighter and has some great guitar and drum work.   I have to say my favorite songs on this album are probably "The Essential Salts" and "The Language of Shadows".   I highly enjoy all the songs though and I slightly enjoy this album a little more than In Their Darkened Shrines.

I know you don't like downloading music Que, but you should consider downloading this album to see if you like it and then buy it afterwards if you do.

Also speaking of new albums, Behemoth released their new album the same day the Nile album came out!  So I'm going to have to give that one a listen to as well since I liked their last album.

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, July 26, 2007, 12:43:35 PM »
I don't really follow Nile, so my knowledge there is pretty limited.  As for Behemoth, I only have Zos Kia Cultus, which... it's a pretty average album.  It has some memorable moments and great stuff, but it's also got a lot of standard death metal fare.  I can take it or leave it.

I didn't hate Nile's ITDS, it just seemed a bit rambling and sloppy.  The song I heard from the MySpace page from their newer album sounds much more like the kind of death metal I usually like.  I need things to be pretty tight, even if they're just chaotic.  Cryptopsy's None So Vile would be a good example.  It's crazy and chaotic, but it's also precise and controlled in its own way.

Anyway, I do kind of like Nile's sound, and I've always meant to check out more albums... I just don't have money. There are at least 20 albums that I really want but don't own.  Anata's The Conductor's Departure, Arsis's United in Regret, Gorod's 2nd, Leading Vision, Deftones's Saturday Night Wrist, and a whole mess of stuff I won't bother to type.  I just don't have the money for shit crap anymore.   :(  Unfortunately, I have to really pick and choose who I support financially these days.  It sucks.

And of course, I have to save money for Chocolate Rain.  AWW JEAH!

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Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 01:27:30 AM »
I'll just post my thoughts on the new Behemoth album in this thread as well.  When I was looking into the Nile album that came out on the 17th I noticed that the new Behemoth album The Apostasy came out as well.  I've had a chance to listen to it and I am highly enjoying it.  Behemoth has definitely evolved into something better with each album, and have done a good job of taking elements of death and black metal and forming it into a unique sound, especially since Zos Kia Cultus.  Demigod was a really, really good album and has one of my favorite songs by them "Slaves Shall Serve" Here's a music video of the song for the curious.  This album and Demigod are easily my favorites, its really hard to pick one over the other. 

Some things to note about The Apostasy:  the guitar work is a little more tighter and varied than Demigod and the drummer Inferno goes absolutely batshit insane on the drums in a lot of the songs, especially the song "Slaying the Prophets ov Isa".  Que if you enjoyed parts of Zos Kia Cultus, you should give Demigod and The Apostasy a listen to when you can.

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 09:07:16 AM »
I've been listening to Christgrinding Ave. over and over. That song is absolutely insane. Love the new Behemoth album.

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 01:17:04 PM »
That song you linked to is pretty sick, Bel.  That's definitely more like the stuff from ZKC that I like.  If they can hold that level of quality the new album may well be worth a good listen.  I can't take them seriously given the black metal / anti-Christian bent, but I'll occasionally make some exceptions and pick up more straight-ahead evil albums if the music is outstanding enough (maybe a couple Dimmu records, some Deicide very rarely, definitely some Vital Remains).  Behemoth has been gaining in popularity quite rapidly it seems these days.

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Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 01:28:24 PM »
Actually, Behemoth has laid off a lot of the anti Christian stuff compared to their very early albums, but its still there.  If you want to hear some of the stuff from the new album I'm pretty sure some of it is up on their MySpace or their official page.  If you like Vital Remains their new album came out a month or two ago I think, its pretty good as well.

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Re: Nile's new album Ithyphallic (now with new Behemoth album impressions)
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 01:33:14 PM »
I'll definitely check that out.  I'm only marginally versed in this stuff, don't follow it much.  I haven't been able to follow a lot of music really... it makes me sad.

At least I can still make it.  Jazzy-rock tune #2 in the works!

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