I'll agree with scott. You aren't alone in that observation. And yeah, crap like this really gets to me. Just because the pendulum once swung one way doesn't mean you need to throw it all the way in the other direction, but that's the way American society is right now. Oh, you're a straight, religious, middle-class white guy? Then your life must be perfect, you must get everything you want, you must never have to work, and people must just throw money and opportunity at you like it was nothing! Plus you must be completely imbecilic and undeserving of any recognition for your achievements, you must have shotguns and tins of beans hidden in your house for the apocalypse and when you decide to go slaughter all the black people and homosexuals in the name of Jesus, and you must have money just coming out of your ass for college! No special scholarships for you!
I hate ignorant people like this woman who can't look beyond their own noses, and I hate the hypocrisy that they *flaunt* like it's A-OK. That goes well beyond simple race issues anyway, as I hate idiotic white politicians on both sides who just want to ban, censor, and take away all our freedoms until we live in a Socialist police state. It's one thing if you can point to a legitimate problem like illegal immigration which has tangible consequences that are easy to see, it's another to just start accusing people of hating you when you don't even have facts to back up your claims. If we lived in anything other than the fuckwit global society that we do, these people would be laughed out of town. If somebody wrongs you then you deal with that, but you don't make up stuff like what's in this topic to appease your own inflated sense of self-worth, or your culture's communal ego.