Author Topic: fight stories.  (Read 1628 times)

Offline beo

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fight stories.
« on: Thursday, September 06, 2007, 07:39:48 PM »
it's not big, it's not clever, but it's a great source of anecdotes. tell us a fight story, you self aggrandising sadists.

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Re: fight stories.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, September 06, 2007, 08:09:16 PM »
I wish I had more.  Most of the "fights" I've been in ended when somebody ended up chickenshit, either me or the other guy, and that's generally because it seems every time I've been pissed enough at somebody to want to deck them, things are really mismatched.  Either they could crush my spine liked it was a twinky, or I could kick them for a field goal.

I really only have two worth telling just because they're funny, and neither one really counts since they were merely altercations, not real fights.  One ended with me picking this guy up by the shirt and literally sliding him all the way down the freshly waxed hall floor of my school on the last day of class before I left that school forever, then running like a mad idiot as his 8 giant jock friends attempted to chase me down.  The other was when I was much younger.  We were out in the street playing with waterguns, and I used the ultimate watergun strategy on one of my friends - I stole his watergun and we all sprayed him the hell down.  Now my friend had a temper, and something snapped in him (it wasn't like we didn't do this shit all the time, so I really don't know what happened... we didn't single him out regularly, and we did this kind of stuff to each other all the time).  He gets up behind me and starts choking the life out of me, like he seriously wants me dead kind of stuff.  My other friend is trying to get him off me, and this guy is actually far bigger than the other kid (so was I, actually), but he's like so raged out we can't even move him.  So my other friend's mom comes out.  She's this pretty swarthy mexican lady, pretty cool chick but a little odd, and pretty damn big... and she tells the kid that if he doesn't let me go, she's going to kick him in the head.  He doesn't let go, so she literally walks up and kicks him in the head.  He flies back a few feet, lays out on the pavement, and then my friend holds me back after I pick up the gun and start beating the other kid with it.  It was really bizarre because we'd never fought before and there didn't seem to be any reason for it.  We never spoke after that, and he got pretty strange, so I think he had some kind of mental trouble.  He left his parents house not too long after and we still talk to them sometimes but never hear anything about him.  I don't know, I guess maybe it isn't that funny, but it always sort of makes me laugh to look back on it because I don't think anybody expected my friend's mom to actually kick the guy in the head.  It seemed rather out of character.  But I suppose if she hadn't, I'd have ended up in the hospital.

EDIT - I should also note that we were on the ground when this happened.  Like kneeling.  That's how she was able to reach his head.  She's rather short.

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Offline Ghandi

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Re: fight stories.
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, September 06, 2007, 08:10:44 PM »
I once held a hammer over my (still) best friends head over a game of Perfect Dark. I used to be really competitive at video games. It was somewhat unhealthy, I think.

Anyways, no one swung at anyones head and my friend knew I'd never swing the hammer. He actually started laughing when I held it over my head, which pissed me off more, if I remember correctly.

But that was like 8 years ago. I don't ever get in fights now because they are dumb and I'm not a violent person.