I have 5 speakers and my soundblaster is 5.1 anyway. I actually like the center channel, and it works well, especially in RPGs when it really feels like the voice is coming from directly ahead. My Asus P5WDH offers 7.1 and some fancy crap that like yourself I didn't give much of a chance. The thing is, who is going to buy a 7 speaker set? The worst of it is the difficulty in placing the rear end speakers.
I have all 5 speakers ahead of me. I used to have the two rear speakers behind me, but the wires resulted in a lot of accidents. It is a miracle that the two speakers are still in working order.
Even now I would enjoy gaming more if I had the two rear speakers properly placed. Trouble aside from the wires is the lack of furniture. I wish I could find some proper and inexpensive stands.
I think that is irrelevant. More RAM is never a bad thing. Sure, you're not going to notice an improvement in anything with more RAM if the 2 GB of RAM you have isn't even being fully utilized in the first place. But what about four or five years from now?
I don't know about now, but when I was in the market for RAM, it was $250 for two sticks. That just wasn't worth it for a situation that might happen when my system is obsolete anyway.
I disagree with you a great deal on this. Buy as much RAM as you can afford. Buy enough so that it seems ridiculous. If I built a system today I would put 8 GB in it, especially if you ever plan to move to Vista ever since because of SuperFetch, it uses significantly more RAM than XP did.
hehehe.. You make it sound like it is a post apocalyptic situation and the only way to repopulate the planet is more RAM.
I can see what you are saying, but 8GB? By today's prices that's about $400 for DDR2 800, which isn't bad actually. With DDR3 around the corner though, I'd personally invest in whatever works well for now. But you are right, they do say 4GB will be the standard in a couple of years.
Scott, why was 64-bit important to you? Just wondering if its something maybe I should look into.
I am personally quite happy with dual booting. XP for everything and Vista for gaming. I've found Vista to run games significantly better, especially Bioshock. Bioshock looks slightly better on Vista as well, and that's something that will work for you with the 8800GT. Still there are things you can only do on XP, so that's why I suggest the dual boot.
I just wish I had gone with the 64 bit version of Vista.