Author Topic: So my building is closing.  (Read 3807 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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So my building is closing.
« on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 02:55:57 PM »
And what I mean by that is that the building where I work is closing.  I found out on Friday.

This has been a long time coming.  The idiots that manage my department are... well, idiots, and they wouldn't know how to properly manage funds if you shoved a billion dollars up their nose.  Add to that California's obscene debt which goes so far beyond the word "debt" it seems like they should invent a new word to describe it, and you have a very bad situation for my department.  To rectify this lack of funds and outright mismanagement, they've decided to close the building where I work, which houses my digital imaging group, the rest of our legal staff (caseworkers and attorneys), and our customer service unit.  My unit is about 7 people, CSU is about another 7 or so, there are probably 30-35 legal secretaries and caseworkers, and then maybe 8 attorneys.  There are a few other random people, like the sheriff's department deputies, the inspectors, the couple accounting people, and we're also housing another court department because their building flooded and we have an extra room in which they can hold court, but only the accounting people would actually move with us.  The inspectors are only there to serve people court papers, really, and we already have a Lieutenant at the other building as far as I know.

Anyway, we'll all be going to this other building, which is our original building.  I've never worked there, because in the 6 years that I've worked for the department, it's been where I work now.  The branch was opened more or less to give people an extra option as far as where they could get service from us, and we also held court there on Fridays (aside from separately housing the legal group and the ombuds people, which probably had its own advantages somehow).

So why is this bad?  Several reasons.  First of all, everyone here knows that I fucking hate my job, but they probably don't know that one of the only things that kept me sane there was the fact that I like my building pretty well, my commute is short, there's lots of good places to eat around there, and it's a smaller group of people so I'm not under constant scrutiny by a million people.  And it's quiet.  Meaning if there isn't a ridiculous amount of work to be done, I have a little leeway to relax and slack off, or as I generally do, get a little extra writing done.  The *other* building, however, I hate and loathe as much as anything I've ever hated.

The most obvious problem is the commute is like 3 times as long, and there's no subway station anywhere near it.  This means that I'd have to take the subway and then take the bus, so not only would it take me extra time to get there in the form of probably another hour, it would take extra money that I don't have since the subway stop is further out than the one I have now, plus I'd have to pay for the bus.  Plus I've taken this bus before, and it's fucking scary.  I've known some kind of scary ghetto people that didn't like to take it because they found it unpleasant, which should give you some idea.  The subway stop I'd be using is also a bit iffy.  I used to take it to visit my sister when she lived out that way, and I personally saw a guy in the parking lot get his head caved in with a shovel one night.  He was fighting some other guy, and I have no idea why there was a shovel but... yeah.  There've been some shootings and stuff, too.  So I really kinda' don't want to go that route if I can avoid it, especially being a lone white boy who'd be going home after dark for a third of the year.  Unfortunately, the only other option is driving, which I also don't want to do.  I got rid of my old car because I didn't need it anymore and it was just sucking money out of my pocket repeatedly, so we just have my wife's car now.  That's been fine for years.  But now if I want to avoid this other commute, I'll have to buy a car, sit through commute traffic every morning and night, start paying for gas, start paying for insurance, and start paying for parking.  I can't fucking afford that, let alone what it'll cost when whatever shitty car I inevitably buy ends up breaking down.

So yes, that all sucks, but what's really worse is that I absolutely *hate* the other building even once I get there.  It's old as fuck and falling apart, and I won't even use the elevators there because they're a damned death trap.  It's at least two times the size of my current building and totally stuffed with people already and there's no room for the rest of us, which means at this point they don't even know if I'm going to get a proper desk.  Also because of the huge amount of people, it's LOUD.  My building is extremely quiet, which I like, and we don't do a lot of parties and that kind of stuff.  Most of the people there are, at least, relatively levelheaded and cool.  The people at the other building are the equivalent of drunken slobs. They throw parties for every occasion, and these are loud parties with costumes and all that kind of shit that I hate.  There's even an old TV in the break room they use to watch soap operas at lunch.  So I'm pretty antisocial, especially when you're talking about people I find distasteful that I don't have anything in common with, and this all leads to me feeling really uncomfortable.  I've been to the other building many times despite not working there regularly, because we had to help some people with some projects there, and every time I've been there I've wanted to kill myself.  I hate it so bad, getting those projects done was like the best thing ever and the only time that accomplishing something at this freaking hole actually made me feel like I actually accomplished something.  Some of the less scrupulous people I've worked for have attempted to hold the prospect of sending me there as a threat.

To exacerbate this problem, I also won't have a job anymore.  As far as I know I won't be getting canned, because I'm union and they really can't do that, but my current job is more or less not going to exist.  And I won't be falling into anything similar, most likely, because they recently promoted me against my will.  Years ago we had to fill out these thing in an attempt for them to reassess our job as part of some study, and they said there was a possibility we might get promoted to the next level because of it.  But this was like three or four years ago and nothing ever came of it.  Then, suddenly, a little less than a year ago they decided to give us promotions for no apparent reason.  I became skeptical at the time, and it was apparently with good reason.  See, in the position I was in before, I didn't have anything to worry about.  I worked where I worked and they couldn't transfer me to another unit or anything.  I was safe.  Part of the promotion is that you can then request reassignment to other units when they open up, or if you're needed elsewhere, you can be moved.  The problem is that they can do this entirely without your consent, meaning that I could now be given to whatever horrendous fucking unit wants me or needs me for any reason at all, regardless of whether or not I'm actually a good fit with those people or the job.  I've avoided any form of promotion or training in the past because I don't want to work with the public, because I don't want to change my dress code (another of the few things that makes the job livable), I don't want to interact heavily with anyone if I can avoid it, and I don't want to do any accounting work.  Now it's thrust upon me, and I'm at their mercy.  And given most of what there is to do at the other building, it really doesn't matter anyway, because any job that they give me that's not what I have now is going to be doing all the stuff I've taken great pains to avoid doing for 6 years.  They held out for this so they could do exactly what they're doing to us.  There have been rumors that the building would close, but they really ran a beautiful campaign of lies to keep us from outright revolt.  Now that it's been long enough, most people have calmed down and accepted it (and they've changed things so that a lot of our current staff have worked at the other building before so they don't care about going back).  It was the first smart fucking thing I've ever seen them do.  I just wish they hadn't done it to rape me.  There are still a lot of pissed off people, but we're all powerless to do anything, and a lot of us are going to be in situations we really don't want to be after this.  For me it really boils down to my hatred of what I do and how much more I'm going to hate what they make me do going forward, but for others this is much worse because they have career goals that are getting fucked with and there's nothing they can do to throw off the yoke other than outright quit.

So why not find a new job, you ask?  Because I can't.  The place has great pay, great benefits, and at least relative job security, and with a disabled wife who can't really work (though she's still trying to get something through vocational rehab) and still hasn't managed to get on disability, our life is 100% completely dependent upon what I do.  Otherwise I'd have left long ago even as it's been, forget about trying to suffer through where it's going.

I'm stressed out of my mind.  I started smoking again.  I feel like I'm about to collapse.  And I can't really even talk to my Julia about it because we're going through so much other shit that she's already on edge about, and burdening her too much with this would just drive her to depression.  I have no idea what I'm going to do.

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Offline idolminds

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:14:25 PM »
That sucks.

Understatement of the year!

I wish there was something I could do to help or have advice. But I don't have either.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:25:58 PM »
Well you haven't written one your long posts in a while. Anyway all of this obviously sucks, and I was thinking of something that would cheer you up, but can't really.

That promotion thing seems like a guise for them to get what they want. I hope your pay increased at least.

But I wouldn't risk taking public transport if the neighborhood is as rough as you say. Safety first and stuff. Trouble with a car is, like you said, seemingly unnecessary expenses. Ignoring the cost of petrol -- which is going to be going down during the next few months according to analysts -- there is that monthly maintenance, and then the insurance. I hate having to pay that mandatory insurance. Nothing is more painful about owning a car, than insurance. At least with the maintenance you know where the money is going. Like the more you drive, the faster you have to take care of the regular stuff. But insurance just goes. And then there are the unexpected car costs that hit you as well.

In the end, I guess one has to identify the least painful solution and then go for it. If you don't mind me asking, why are you guys having trouble getting Julia on disability? I am sure if that worked out, your life would get easier.

I hope you warm up to the new building eventually. Hopefully there will be some positives about that location once you start work there.

I also hope you make some friends at work. I know they are all idiots, but hopefully someone will come along that you connect with. It will make time pass faster.

Also I keep forgetting. What do you actually do at work? :P

If you do look for a car, see if you can find a cheap early 2000 Japanese model of anything. I don't know about America, but parts are pretty cheap for those here. Plus they just run so well. Maybe you could get a Toyota Vitz (echo hatchback). I don't own one, but I love the car. It is spacious, good looking, fuel efficient, and just good for the price.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:30:45 PM »
I work for the dept. of child support.  I was hired more or less to handle the imaging of paper data (in other words getting court orders and other such information from paper into a computer), which is a bit of data entry and a lot of scanning stuff.  That's changed drastically, and we now do just sort of a whole bunch of things.  I've learned more than I care to about the family court system and the way it works, because that inevitably just leads to knowing why it sucks so bad and how horrendously imbalanced and unfair it is.

I do have a few friends there, just not many.  I know virtually nobody from the other buildings except for one girl I used to work with who went back there.  She's cool, and it'll be nice to see her again, but... it's little comfort.

I'm just trying to remember that things don't usually turn out as bad as you think they will.  At last I hope to God that's true.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:31:36 PM »
So why not find a new job, you ask?  Because I can't.  The place has great pay, great benefits, and at least relative job security . . .

How I wish I was in that kind of shape.  You mentioned union too.  Sweet.  Do your job, don't be a criminal, and you can't get fired unless the place goes under.  And the government doesn't go under even when it should.

I'm not trying to minimize your problems here.  Upheavals like this are always a bitch.  I remember them well.  About all I can suggest is to distract yourself and stay loose until it's all behind you, and then just go with the flow.  Maybe you can work toward a transfer to some other department?

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:34:06 PM »
I've thought about that.  I actually tried to get into the library system a while ago, but it didn't pan out due to location.

I also forgot to mention that this is happening in about 6 months, which leaves us virtually no time to prepare.  Also, the fucking idiots decided to do this BEFORE we make our huge, all-encompassing database conversion (which is stupid in the first place because WE JUST DID ONE and haven't even finished dealing with the huge array of problem it caused... and now we're doing ANOTHER?), so this is going to make work life a living hell before long.

But yes, distraction.  Hence my staying up until 4 AM playing AC over the last couple days.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:40:27 PM »
I'm just trying to remember that things don't usually turn out as bad as you think they will.  At last I hope to God that's true.

That's something I have worked on about myself. In the past I used to try and come up with the worst possible scenario knowing that things don't work out as bad imagined. It took me a bit to realize what being so pessimistic was doing to me. It would really take a toll. But it isn't easy being positive.

Hopefully it won't be that bad. You'll have your PSP and stuff. Maybe you'll meet some coworkers who game.

I was hired more or less to handle the imaging of paper data (in other words getting court orders and other such information from paper into a computer), which is a bit of data entry and a lot of scanning stuff.

I am not helping, but that sounds so boring. I can't imagine having to do that for long hours. I suppose it is a good thing your work has started to include a bunch of things.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:47:03 PM »
Yes, it is boring upon top of boring and then some more boring for good measure.  Hence why I fucking hate it.  Unfortunately, all the other stuff they have us doing is equally boring.  It's really just a glorified filing/data entry job, though you'd never know it from the pay.

And I never answered your question about Julia's disability.  It's been in the works for almost 2 years now.  We have a lawyer handling our case (badly), and the government office has fucked things up so much it keeps taking longer and longer.  The problem is that Julia's condition (fibromyalgia) isn't currently on the government's "okay, you have a problem" list, which means we need to spend lots of time proving it.  Really we're going to have to eventually go to court and hope that a judge decides in our favor.  Otherwise we've wasted a lot of time and energy on nothing.  Our lawyer's never lost a fibro case, but he's only done like 6 of them or something.  Plus we think he's taking forever to make some things happen because he'll get paid more if he wins, as he gets a lump sum out of whatever back payments we're owed.

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 04:08:20 PM »
Take a cue from Homer Simpson: Do it for her.

What's to stop you from just applying to places that pay you a similar amount. Even if you don't have the experience or skills, get your resumes out there and if you get an interview, you might just impress the right person.

Offline JacksRag(e)

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #9 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 04:26:08 PM »
You know, you really should talk to her about it.  Or at least discuss something related to it with her.  I assume you talked to her about some of it, yea?  Keeping something this big to yourself and not letting her know the full scope of things as it pertains to you isn't gonna be good for either of you in the long run.  It might seem like the right thing to do to protect her and everything, but whatever the case, you're both in it together. 

Apart from that...just keep your chin up.  It's a shitty situation and there's little you can do about it.  But don't let it fucking beat you and wear you down. 

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #10 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 04:29:41 PM »
Add to that California's obscene debt which goes so far beyond the word "debt" it seems like they should invent a new word to describe it...

Our governors suck.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 10:51:14 PM »
Well at least you have the Terminator for your governor.

While the lawyer is taking his time, the fact that you say he is taking it slow because he wants to guarantee a win, makes me look at it positively. I hope he has given you some sort of a timeline as to when you'll have the day in court.

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 11:21:05 PM »
If you do look for a car, see if you can find a cheap early 2000 Japanese model of anything. I don't know about America, but parts are pretty cheap for those here. Plus they just run so well. Maybe you could get a Toyota Vitz (echo hatchback). I don't own one, but I love the car. It is spacious, good looking, fuel efficient, and just good for the price.

Those are called Toyota Yaris here.  Any if I ever saw a guy driving one I would laugh at them until my sides hurt.  Total chick car here.

And Que, sorry to hear that.  I'm not one that likes change very much.  I didn't like it when they swapped everyone to a different desk here at work just to mix things up.  I'd hate it if they moved me someplace else, especially if it was a lot farther away.

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 11:42:26 PM »
I hope things end up alright for you, Que. Don't stress too much, though. It's bad for your health.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 11:49:15 PM »
Firstly, hoob, she knows all about it, I just can't let her know how much it's bothering me.  She can't handle personal weakness in me that way.  She relies on me too much.

What's to stop you from just applying to places that pay you a similar amount. Even if you don't have the experience or skills, get your resumes out there and if you get an interview, you might just impress the right person.

The fact that I make *more* than twice what I've ever made at any other job in my life and don't have any qualifications of any sort to warrant it.  I have to face the fact that I got fucking lucky to land this gig and if I ever do anything to fuck it up, my way of life is going to degrade drastically, probably for forever.

Anyway, thanks everybody.  I appreciate the sentiments.  I'll probably be fine in the end... it's just not good amongst all the other shit I'm dealing with.  I think Julia and I have decided to put off moving now.  I hope that turns out to be better rather than worse.

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Offline gpw11

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #15 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 06:13:58 PM »
Coverletter + resume.  You say you don't have any qualifications, but really you have how many years work expierience in a career oriented environment?  That goes a long way, and you can use it for leverage when you're selling yourself against new college graduates and stuff like that.  Spend like 10 min. a day on it and if it works out great, if it doesn't oh well, you're still employed in a pretty decent gig.  "Better the devil you know" isn't always the best option when it comes to major life choices like employment.

But yeah, it's really shitty to hear that.

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #16 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 07:53:04 PM »
what GPW said.  When I was miserable at work I used to commit myself to applying for 1-2 jobs a week.  If nothing else it's cathartic, at least your doing something to better a shitty situation.

I will say of all the things I used to try to get a job, only got me one interview, but it was the job I ended up getting.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: So my building is closing.
« Reply #17 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 11:38:25 PM »
Nothing wrong with putting out feelers, but I'm very much with Que on security.  It's vastly underrated.