We've only been going out for about a month, but have known each other for about a year. She describes herself as a "competitive gift-giver", so I know she is going to try to (and will likely) outdo me.
Here's what I got..
1. Star Wars DVDs (Episodes 4-6). It's something that she mentioned she wanted. She explicitly told me she wanted a season of Gilmore Girls on DVD, but I don't want to just give her what she asked for. That's boring. Instead, I went for this because she did say she wanted it and was probably going to purchase it some time, but won't see it coming.
2. Books. Much like me, she likes reading books about religion/spirituality/mythology/mysticism/etc. I picked up a book that I really enjoyed that she should read and another that I think she will like. She's a bookworm.
3. Boots. Those furry and fuzzy leathery kind of ones she enjoys. She was wearing a pair of her sisters at Thanksgiving and mentioned how she really wanted a pair. Only problem is that I may mess up in picking out a pair. I found one that is similiar to the ones she wants, but I can't find the ones she wants anywhere. Rather than trying to pick out one, I am thinking I will get her a card that says something like "You have a pair of fuzzy, leather boots that you can pick out with me at your convenience". Is that lame?
Total comes out to like 50$ + however much the boots are (probably like 100-130).
Other things that I was considering were tickets to an Opera(mentioned that she really likes the opera), dirty stuff, or some type of dinosaur memorabilia(which may still happen).
Blah. I hate this time of year. So stressful.