Yeah, I quite like the site. I think at this point the biggest thing I don't like about it is Gerstmann himself.
From IRC:
<@sirean|SFGH> So, Giant Bomb is real and full blown now.
* @idolminds goes to look
<@Quemaqua> It would be so cool if only Gerstmann wasn't such a ghetto douchebag.
<@Quemaqua> I don't hate him, but he'd be a lot more tolerable without the INCESSANT rap references.
<@idolminds> heh
<@Quemaqua> I mean, I like metal, but I don't feel the need to draw comparisons between it and everything else as though it were the focal point of the universe.
But still, the site looks pretty awesome. I'm hoping it turns out well... with GSpot slowly dying a little more every day, it'd be nice to have a good replacement.