Author Topic: Teron Gorefiend simulator  (Read 3874 times)

Offline W7RE

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Teron Gorefiend simulator
« on: Friday, May 09, 2008, 10:50:23 AM »
This is actually pretty old, but it's the first time I've actually tried it out. Teron Gorefiend is one of the bosses in Black Temple, for those who don't know. It's known for the "ghosting" mechanic, which people tend to be really bad at. Most raids have "that guy" who can't kill his ghosts, and wipes the raid. My guild has lots of "those guys", who you pray dont get ghosted.

Here's how the flash game (and the real encounter, sort of) works:
W, A, S, D or arrows to move in 4 directions
click on the constructs to target them (you'll see a target frame in the top right)
press Tab to target the nearest construct
5 - aoe damage
4 - aoe shackle (snares the constructs in place)
3 - ice lance (puts a stacking slow effect on the construct)

You get the Shadow of Death debuff, and have to get away from the raid before it ends. When it ends, 4 Risen Constructs spawn from you, and you turn into a Vengeful Spirit (a ghost). Only you can attack the constructs, but they can attack your raid members. Move to one of the far corners of the room before the debuff ends. When the constructs spawn, use aoe dmg, then aoe shackle, then cycle through the targets while spamming ice lance to keep them slowed. (or spam a cycle of 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, etc) You can alternatively click the skills on the bar, but I didn't even notice them on screen, I just hit the buttons I knew were assigned to those abilities.

The only major difference (other than obvious graphics difference) from the WoW encounter is that in WoW, I like to hold the left and right mouse buttons down to move forward, so I can spam 3, 4, and 5 without having to hit W.

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Re: Teron Gorefiend simulator
« Reply #1 on: Friday, May 09, 2008, 10:59:47 AM »
I've never tried this, but when I first joined my current guild, which had been farming BT/Hyjal for months, when we got to Gorefiend, I was coincidentally the first one to be ghosted and promptly wiped the raid.  :P  Luckily I know how to do it now so it isn't much of an issue.

I wish we did BT again though.  5 days of Sunwell now for us.  How's your guild progressing?  We're working on the Eredar Twins now.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Teron Gorefiend simulator
« Reply #2 on: Friday, May 09, 2008, 11:08:46 AM »
We're raiding 5 nights a week, 4.5 hours a night. We clear Kalecgos, Brutallus, Felmyst, and Eredar Twins in one night, then spend the rest of the week focusing on M'uru (32% phase one is out best so far, I think). We alway get BT done, but wait until we have a bad turnout for M'uru to do it (which is usually Thursday or sunday).

My guild finally got another warglaive last night actually. It was the mainhand though. :( I'm still first in line for the offhand if it ever drops.

One of our members runs Hyjal pugs on Saturdays, giving loot priority to main raiders, then alts/offspecs/friends/pugs can roll. A lot of us still run kara and ZA weekly for badges. Some friends and I run ZA every time it's up, flask up and go all out, and get a bear mount pretty much every time.