So, I don't know if anyone here knows who Clifford Olsen is and that doesn't really matter; he totally killed a bunch of peeps. He's in jail in a max. sec. facility and someone somewhere found 'his' myspace account. He isn't supposed to have internet access. The reaction? SCANDAL!!
"How did this serial killer get access to the internet? Is he using it to kill?!"
"Corrections Canada drops the ball!!"
"Investigation into prison security underway!"
Yet no one seems to have addressed the issue that there's about a 99.7% chance that someone else made this profile. The dead give away...his friends are "Son of Sam", "Manson and the Family", and some other serial killers.
You see, I'm not saying print papers should be put to death because they're irrelevant...I'm saying it because they're generally a fucking joke. For every good one with some integrity (for a newspaper) there are 15,000 that are basically staffed by kids with Down's Syndrome. Beyond that, they should be put to rest because the people who rely on them have shown time and time again that they're too stupid for the news. Case in point: Letters to the Editor in every paper.