Holy crap this woman is amazing. At first glance she's just another singer/songwriter out of Seattle, but take even thirty seconds to listen to any song of hers and you'll find incredible musicianship, great lyrics and a wonderfully wry sense of looking at things.
I saw her live last Thursday, supported by someone else amazing I'll get to in a moment, but she took to the stage with an acoustic guitar, a loop pedal, and 45 minutes worth of the best indie music I've heard in years. She played
this, and as soon as I got home I recorded
She was supported by a woman named Liz Alex Guy, who has been lurking around the Seattle alt/art-indie scene for a long time now (she was arrested in the WTO riots and Laura wrote a song about it). She makes music under the name "Led To Sea", but what I saw on Thursday was... Amazing. She took to the stage, also with a loop pedal, and a violin. She used off-kilter rhythms, slightly experimental keys and her
phenomenal voice - seriously, I haven't heard a voice like that live... ever - to build these amazing arrangements you could get lost in for days piece by piece.
I got them both to sign a poster for me! Whoo.