Dragon Age Bundle ~$50 (40% off) DAO + Awakening
Damn, that's a good deal...DAO was fantastic and well-worth its price-tag (and still is). I'm sure Awakening just sweetens that deal.
Mass Effect Bunlde ~$45 (40% off) ME1 + ME2
Mass Effect 2 is so far my GOTY.
Seriously, Obsidian - take some notes from Bioware on how to combine the 3rd person Action/RPG genre.
Need for Speed Bundle ~$26 (%50 off) ProStreet, Undercover, and SHIFT.
I have ProStreet, but I ain't played it.
UC felt too much like Most Wanted to me - and was missing some of the modes I liked in MW and Carbon.
I'm missing Shift - Did you play Shift? If so - how was it?
Capcom Collection ~$85 (%45 off) Age of Booty, Dark Void, Flock!, MotoGP '08, and Street Fighter IV.
Have you played Dark Void?
That's $10 currently on G4WL GOD.
I think I've seen Gogamer before sell it for that price on disc or less, though...