Author Topic: OMG! A New iPhone!  (Read 8932 times)

Offline ren

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #40 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 12:16:26 AM »
I'm not locked in with Rogers right now since I've had them for 3 or 4 years. I was locked in but now I'm going without a contract. I don't have a phone though so if I don't get an iphone I'll probably lock myself in again to get something cheap.

As for the Blackberry, my brother has the Blackberry 8830 (the top-tier one) and I've played around with it a bit and I think the iPhone is something I would get more use out of. Blackberry is more business oriented and a lot of the features it has I'd never use. iPhone seems to have more of the fun stuff.

Cost isn't that much of an issue because my parents pay for my cell phone plan right now. I only have it for their sake because they worry and like to be able to get a hold of me. If they didn't pay I wouldn't have a phone since I would never use it. So with the iPhone I would just pay for the data plan which would be $30/month, something I can swing pretty easily.

Offline ren

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #41 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 12:30:11 AM »
Ok I've come to my senses. I'm getting the cheapest phone I can. Once the novelty of all the things the iPhone does is gone I'll just be annoyed to pay $30 a month.

Offline gpw11

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #42 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 02:09:23 AM »
There you go, that's the right answer.

Offline scottws

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #43 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 06:22:52 AM »
As for the Blackberry, my brother has the Blackberry 8830 (the top-tier one) and I've played around with it a bit and I think the iPhone is something I would get more use out of. Blackberry is more business oriented and a lot of the features it has I'd never use. iPhone seems to have more of the fun stuff.
What sort of things are you referring to?  I have a Pearl and it does POP3 e-mail (in addition to the normal BES link to an Exchange or Groupwise server for business customers), Internet, and has a phone, camera, media player (albeit a crappy one), and it supports installed apps.  I have Google Talk, a Facebook app, Google maps, Opera Mini, and several games.  There's no question that the iPhone interface is the slickest around, but what "fun stuff" does it have that you can't get elsewhere?

I'm not trying to start a Blackberry vs. iPhone debate but I'm just curious to see what people are looking for.

I looked at the iPhone when Jennie was getting a new phone at the AT&T store the other day.  I liked the interface, albeit it was a bit daunting to navigate as a rookie user.  What I don't like is the size.  It is way bigger than I want out of a cell phone.  I thought about getting a Curve for my next phone, but even that I think is too big, and it's smaller than an iPhone.  I'll probably get another Pearl, but with wi-fi.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #44 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 09:51:05 AM »
I use a shitty (free) cellphone and an iPod touch. The touch is much smaller than the iPhone and quite portable. It sucks that everything isn't together but I've never really found it cumbersome to carry both. I would never buy an iPhone because of the contractual issues involved. They really rape you on that end.

Offline ren

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #45 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 10:16:58 AM »
This is a really shitty reason but a reason nonetheless. I got an iPod for my birthday from my brother a few years ago. Ever since then I've been using iTunes and have become a bit anal about my play counts. Listening to music on the iPhone would update my play counts which is a really big plus. Play counts are basically the reason I lean towards Apple. Like I said, really bad reason but I can't listen to my music on a device that won't update it and lose out on all the statistics.

Generally, it seems like the Blackberry strengths over the iPhone are it's e-mailing and calendar abilities. Those are two features I'll use minimally. The iPhone and the Blackberry have really similar media capabilities but the iPhone seems to present itself better. Bigger screen, ability to browse the music and video on your computer if you're on Wi-Fi, better sound quality and a better user interface. They're really similar but since they cost about the same I'd choose the one that focuses more on multimedia since that's what matters more to me.

Offline gpw11

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #46 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 05:34:45 PM »
Yeah, if you're going for multimedia the iPhone is probably the way to go (even though I still personally think you should just get a Touch and a seperate phone).  That said, same price?  Isn't the Pearl basically free these days?

Offline ren

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Re: OMG! A New iPhone!
« Reply #47 on: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 06:27:56 PM »
I meant the plans are the same price. Initial cost of the iPhone is more.

I won't get a Touch until the flash drives are about double what they are now in size because I like having all my music on me. That's further evidence that I'm retarded for considering the iPhone.