Author Topic: "The Goon" movie now on Kickstarter  (Read 6013 times)

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"The Goon" movie now on Kickstarter
« on: Friday, October 12, 2012, 05:25:36 PM »
Help us make a NEW KIND of animated film... one that's LOUD, VIOLENT and OFFENSIVE TO YOUR GRANDMA.

You might be asking yourself, "I've seen footage of The Goon animated film online... why do they need money? Isn't it already being made?"

The answer to that question is NO. The Goon Film has NEVER been in production. All the work you've seen (animation footage, trailers, artwork, etc.) has been produced independently and out-of-pocket by the creative team of David Fincher, Eric Powell, Blur Studio and Dark Horse Entertainment. We created "proof of concept" footage to show Hollywood the incredible potential of a Goon movie. It was very well received BUT because this movie isn't a sequel or filled with dancing animals we'll need more to bust open the gates and UNLEASH Goon and Franky on Hollywood. And by the freakishly barbarian strength of Aunt Kizzie, we'll find a way to succeed!

Though the strange thing is none of the rewards include a copy of the movie itself. Though it looks like technically the KS is to find a story reel that they can shop around.