Ok, you can stop laughing any time..."It's hard to gauge the effect of used game sales on Halo, but I'm sure it's big," O'Donnell told GamesIndustry. "Complaining about sales when you have a multi-million seller is somewhat difficult to justify, but it seems to me that the folks who create and publish a game shouldn't stop receiving income from further sales."
From further new sales? You're right, and they do. From used sales? Sorry, but no. We have laws on this, and they are really nice laws.
They need to say what they really mean, though. They probably don't care if Billy sells his copy to Timmy (if they do care, fuck 'em). If they want to be mad at anyone, its Gamestop. They actively push the used copies of games over the new copies that are sold in the SAME STORE. But how do you punish them? They aren't doing anything illegal. You could "boycott" them and not allow them to sell new copies of your game, but they could still buy up used copies and resell those.
I can see
why they are upset, but I can't think of a solution. No, DRM that doesn't allow you to resell your game is nowhere near a solution (seriously, Ive seen people claim this is why EA puts install limits on PC games. Is there even a used PC game market thats large enough to worry about? I don't even know where to go to look for such a thing other than ebay.)