Author Topic: !!!!  (Read 2991 times)

Offline Pugnate

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« on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 11:14:25 AM »

Deus Ex 3's lead game designer Jean-Francois Dugas told Edge mag. that the first Deus Ex was "kinda slow"....

wtf... why is this guy being allowed near Deus Ex 3?

What made Deus Ex 1 such a masterful game was its moments of quiet exploration in between the fast paced multi pathed action. Its pacing was wonderful, and allowed gamers to soak in the serene environments while absorbing the narrative. The game was a true hybrid... so yea, these sort of comments don't bode well.  We want a true sequel to Deus Ex, not call of duty ex.

Seriously unhappy about this and other comments coming from Dugas.

Offline MysterD

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 02:36:07 PM »
I am not sure what he means by "slow".
Slow in story? Slow in combat speed?
Or the overall nature of the game is slow and not bang-bang-bang?
(We don't need a DE3 where the game is bang-bang-bang; this is not Halo).

If we're talking about the tutorial level and first level (The Statue of Liberty) of Deus Ex, yeah -- the game's story and gameplay took a little bit of time to get going; once you got by those two levels, it really picks up. But, that was really about it -- b/c the game was teaching you how to play and the game mechanics, anyways. After those 2 levels, the game was at the pace it really should be at -- which was fine.

Also, those two levels should have had an option to be skippable namely for DE1 vets wanting to replay the game, anyways. Tutorials always should be made optional, if you ask me.

About combat speed, I dunno -- but what was wrong w/ the speed of the combat (when it happened) in DE1 and DE: IW?  :o Nothing, if you ask me. I always thought combat speed was fine.

If anything, I'd like for DE3 to have some great enemy combat AI, since combat AI was never that great in any of the DE games.

The depth should always remain in DE. The game should not be a non-stop shooter. There should be those breaks, where you reach areas where you will have to make decisions, talk to a bunch of NPC's in these areas, and all the adventure/RPG elements that made DE more than just another shooter.

Also, about DE series, the game shouldn't really force the player to kill many people, if the player don't want to. You can finish DE1 by the storyline forcing you to kill ONLY THREE people, if I recall; the rest is up to you. DE: IW was also along those same lines. So, DE3 should follow suit, too.

Offline Xessive

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 02:51:20 PM »
Good God man, these are the kinds of people who shouldn't be involved in the development of titles that fit in the genre of Deus Ex (FPSRPG?).

Did they not note that the increase in "pace" was one of the many flaws of DX:IW?

Offline MysterD

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 02:58:36 PM »
Good God man, these are the kinds of people who shouldn't be involved in the development of titles that fit in the genre of Deus Ex (FPSRPG?).

Did they not note that the increase in "pace" was one of the many flaws of DX:IW?

My major problems w/ DE: IW was the removal of skill system; the unified ammo system; and the horrible consolization of the inventory.

Someone please hand Warren Spector back this fuckin' IP like...NOW.

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 03:07:05 PM »
I don't know man. Warren Spector religiously defended the design decisions of DX:IW. Some of them were apparently his ideas, namely the unified ammo and dropping the inventory.

Pug & Xessive Fun Fact:
Back in the day, when I was first introduced to Deus Ex, Pug was enlightening me with its lore and its "behind the scenes" information. The whole time I thought the guy who designed DX referred to himself as the "War Inspector" until I actually saw the name "Warren Spector" written out. I'd ask Pug "Who the hell is this 'War Inspector' you keep mentioning and what 'war' is he inspecting??"

Offline MysterD

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 03:12:06 PM »
I don't know man. Warren Spector religiously defended the design decisions of DX:IW. Some of them were apparently his ideas, namely the unified ammo and dropping the inventory.
Those were the ideas that ruined DE: IW.

Warren also defended Harvey Smith way too much, too -- i.e the dropping of the leveling-up system. That removal would've worked if there was way more unique implants you could implant into yourself.

Pug & Xessive Fun Fact:
Back in the day, when I was first introduced to Deus Ex, Pug was enlightening me with its lore and its "behind the scenes" information. The whole time I thought the guy who designed DX referred to himself as the "War Inspector" until I actually saw the name "Warren Spector" written out. I'd ask Pug "Who the hell is this 'War Inspector' you keep mentioning and what 'war' is he inspecting??"

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 12:55:59 AM »
You know if any studio that should be making another Deus Ex, I think Starbreeze could get the job done. Their games like Riddick and The Darkness I felt like had some DX moments in them, though they are more linear than was DX does, it would be a nice project for them to broaden out what they usually do.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 01:19:44 AM »
If I could give it to someone, I'd give it to Kevin Levine, except I'd ask him to make a true hybrid, and not a shooter like Bioshock.
« Last Edit: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 04:56:38 AM by Pugnate »

Offline Xessive

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 04:30:14 AM »
Starbreeze and 2K Boston would ahve the potential. Starbreeze games always have a unique feel to them and their stories are well-portrayed.

I'd love to see what Bioware or Ubisoft Montréal could do with it.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 04:59:13 AM »
Well, had Deus Ex not had any RPG elements at all, it would have still been a decent shooter. I don't think Bioware have done a game with action elements good enough to sustain the title on their own. I guess Ubi could do it, even though they haven't really done an RPG, but including such elements should be easier than making a polished actioner.

The reason I mention 2K is their experience with System Shock.

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Re: !!!!
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 06:57:39 AM »
I think Pyro said what I'd say here... if I'd trust it to anyone, it'd be Starbreeze, though you're right Pug, Ken could probably do something worthy of the franchise.  He'd be a good lead for the project as well.

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