Author Topic: 29 Days of Game  (Read 4577 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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29 Days of Game
« on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 03:37:44 PM »
So I decided that October is going to be my gaming month.  I have so many games I need to finish, and I'm taking a few days off to keep myself from going completely insane, so I thought it'd be a good time to work on the backlog.  Plus Fallout 3 is coming out, and I really want to go and finally finish the first two games which I've played but never beaten.  Anyway, seeing as how it's been very difficult for me to actually get time to play games lately, I thought it'd be interesting if I kept a sort of log as I went, to help me track how I'm doing and see what stuff comes up that really gets in the way.

Without further ado, I'll begin with the gaming that started on Friday:

Friday, October 3rd -

As late evening approached, I'd gotten everything out of the way that I needed to, and though my attempts at getting some games in earlier in the evening hadn't worked out so well due to being tired, I'd powered through half a pot of coffee and had another half pot in my trusty thermos.  I was ready to go.  Julia was getting ready to sit down and read a book for a while before bed, so I said goodnight and was remarking about how I'd likely be up very late playing some more of The Witcher or Fallout.  She wished me luck, and I said I'd see her in the morning when we got up to do some things we needed to do, and that I was excited about finally having some time to get into some gaming.

No sooner had I said this than the power went out.  It was raining, and I had forgotten in my elation to finally have some fucking rain in the worthless desert of California that the first rain here always knocks the power out, pretty much without exception.  It has something to do with dust and debris that settles around sensitive power joints, and the rain makes it muddy and shorts stuff out.  I don't know the details, I just know it always happens.  I waited it out to see if things would come back on, reading some D&D supplemental material by candlelight, and eventually gave up and went to bed.  I figured I'd get some sleep then wake up really early and get some gaming in before I had to go take care of stuff.

My gaming month has gotten off to a really great start.

Next Up -

Going to try getting back into Fallout after a really long time of having forgotten about it.  And will continue with my Witcher: Enhanced Edition exploits.
« Last Edit: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 05:57:16 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 04:04:43 PM »
Heh, this'll be fun to read. I should pick a month and do this for my backlog.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 04:14:13 PM »
I don't think I'll ever catch-up with my backlog, heh.

I been playing AITD 2008 today -- and yeah, even though at times it's great, and a few others it just flat-out sucks.

This month, I got 2 weeks vacations that I'm using. I'm on vacation all next week. And my 2nd week of vacation will be the week after my birthday. So, I expect to be playing lots of games, those weeks.

Que, good luck w/ gaming month! :)

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 05:28:31 PM »
I'm resisting the temptation to buy games this month.  So much comes out October 21st.  Castlevania DS game, Fable 2, LittleBigPlanet, and King of Fighters:  The Orochi Saga.

Every now and then I get the urge to pick a game from the back log and finish it.  The latest one was Metroid Prime 2.  Nothing so far has really stood out since, even though I have a ton I haven't finished.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 12:28:02 AM »
Saturday, October 4th -

Hoping to get some gaming in before my responsibilities for the day kicked in, I woke early and eagerly looked at the clock only to discover that the power was still out.  After 8 hours.  Arg.  Lacking anything to do from there, I tried to take a shower, and realized that the electric water heater had run out of juice as well.  I tried to call my mom to see if her power was back up yet, but of course our phones are wireless and require power.  I tried Julia's cell phone, but it wouldn't turn on.  In frustration, we went over to my mom's place uninvited and managed to get a shower and feel like human beings again.  The rest of the day continued uneventfully.

Upon arriving home at around 2:30 PM or so, I started getting into a little more Fallout, which was good times.  I finished off some radscorpions, diplomatically earned myself some XP, and sliced my way through mutated rat hordes in an abandoned vault.  FUNS.  I'd been working on building a straight-up melee character, and after acquiring a spear, my new favorite tactic became using my knife to attack a target for 3 AP, then using my remaining 4 AP to swing the spear, doing more damage and potentially knocking them flat.  My buddy Ian would then finish them off with a few well-placed pistol shots.

Then I switched back to The Witcher: Enhanced Edition and got further into chapter 2.  The story's picking up steam again, the new dialogue is keeping me interested in the bits I've already seen, and I'm again reminded how good the combat starts to feel once you gain some levels and open up the skill trees a bit.

Sadly, my progress was repeatedly halted because Julia started playing Final Fantasy XII, and like an idiot I kept going out into the living room to get a drink or snack, and would inevitably end up sitting there for 20 minutes watching her play.  Fucking hell I love that game.  It's just so... awesome.  I envy the fact that she's getting to play it for the first time, because that was such a joy for me.

I went back to Fallout again after watching the incredible FO3 PAX gameplay videos, which utterly blew my mind.  Made it to Junktown and finished most of the business there, which was extraordinarily fun, and I found that I remembered more of it than most of the other beginning stuff.  It was very enjoyable getting to put my pointy stick to good use, and I'm a stinking rich bastard now, loaded with armor and weapons and ammo.  I look forward to hacking more bodies apart tomorrow, or possibly tonight since it's only midnight and I've a few hours before needing sleep yet...

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 05:10:06 AM »
Oh, man....thanks to GOG, I finally have the original Fallout. Yeah, from what I played, FO is a classic. Shit, I need to go finish that one - Heh! I saved the water supply, so now I got to go after the mutants and find them.

I got Fallout 2 long ago, when ti first came out, after I read a review in a magazine for it. I was like, "Wow, this sounds great." So, that was what I asked my dad to buy for X-Mas that year. FO2 was a classic, for sure.

I dunno what I liked better of the two -- but both FO1 and FO2 are freakin' great.

About Witcher: EE -- I dunno Que, but this has to be one of the best RPG's of all time; and that's not including the extra EE content (I'm working on that EE version). Instant masterpiece. Me, I'd definitely put it up with with BG2, the first two Fallouts, most definitely Planescape, the original Gothic, the original Divinity, and Vampire: Bloodlines.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #6 on: Monday, October 06, 2008, 12:34:05 AM »
Sunday, October 5th -

After waking, I tried to get in a little Fallout before daily responsibilities began, but morning stuff got in the way.  After dealing with that, though, it miraculously appeared that some of the stuff I thought I'd have to do wouldn't be an issue, and I'd have extra free time!  Awesome!  So I sit down to play some Fallout again, start the game, and... the power promptly goes out.

WHAT.  THE.  FUCK.  It's bright and sunny out, no wind, no nothing.  And the power is out again.  I am enraged.  So Julia and I head to the bookstore where I finally get around to picking up a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide and the first Witcher book released in English, The Last Wish.  Okay, not a total wash then.  But there's more to do, and I don't get home until after 4, at which time I eat, spend some time with Julia, and take care of a few things.  Then as I'm ready to get back to gaming, all those stupid bastards on IRC totally distract me for hours by being all amusing and stuff, and I end up spending several hours looking at how ridiculously low video card prices have gotten, which excites me since I'd love to play Fallout 3 at better frames than I know I'll be getting at this point.  Not to mention having The Witcher respond a little more readily to my lovings.

So I get in another bit of Fallout, where I am finally united with Dogmeat.  Aww.  I kick the shit out of a few more dudes, get myself a sledgehammer, learn of several ominous new locations (that I won't get to see due to today's catastrophically bad gaming climate), and call it quits.

Oh well.  There's always tomorrow.

Monday, October 6th -

Could have been better.  Work was brutal, and then when I got home I spent more time than I intended working on WARDOCK, my epic metal tribute to Brad Wardell of Stardock (and the GWJ podcast joke that spawned his fearsome new moniker).  Then I helped Julia with some FFXII stuff and, as always, watched her play it more than I should have.

But I got some good time in with Fallout despite these setbacks, and got to explore a good chunk of new content, not to mention beef up my arsenal of death dealing.  Now if only I could actually hit with it.  Despite having high melee attack skills, I seem to do an awful lot of missing (not to mention I must be slow as shit, because it seems all the other characters get twice was many turns as I do).  Thankfully Dogmeat is a wise and powerful ally.  Plus he's all fuzzy and cute.

I'm going to stick with Fallout for now since it seems likely I'll acquire a 9800GT or something in the near future, which will make my Witcher experience all the more buttery, so hopefully I can catch up on my sleep tonight and have a productive Tuesday night full of mutants and ghouls.

Also, Penny Arcade Fallout 3 comics.  Read them and lol.
« Last Edit: Monday, October 06, 2008, 11:03:54 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 05:32:02 AM »
Ahhhhhh.... :)
Que, keep talking Fallout. You know I love that game.

I like just running around and killing people in that game. I'm like Level 9 now -- w/ plenty of awesome guns. So, I this past weekend, I went violence-crazy.

Lots of Fallout 1 spoilers coming....
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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, October 08, 2008, 12:11:30 AM »
Tuesday, October 7th -

Troubled times at my job, I came home exhausted.  But I managed to get started before it got too late, as I'd failed to do the last few nights, and that worked out well enough.  Got a good portion of Fallout sidequests done, three of which included really big, tough firefights against mobs of dudes.

The combat is weird in this game.  Critical hits happen a lot, and that can be infuriating when you've got a lot of opponents at one time.  A bullet that normally does 3-7 damage will sometimes come out of nowhere and smack you for 30+, and a couple times I just died outright as someone scored a crazy crit that ate my entire HP stock.  And my own guys did that a number of times against the enemy as well.  It's... strange.  I hadn't noticed it prior to tonight, but tonight it just seemed crazy.

Eventually I mowed everyone down, though, and used my huge cash surplus from these jobs to buy a Super Sledge from one of the merchants in the Hub.  I don't know exactly what it does, but it uses less AP than my spear did, supposedly does improved knockback, and does a shitload more damage.  And it should.  I had to trade half my inventory and the majority of my caps to get it!  I hope it turns out to be worth it.  I got my ass handed to me trying to take on a particularly nasty baddie earlier, so we'll see if my improved arsenal (my buddies got some beefier pistols/rifles as well) can take him out next time.  I'm sort of doubting it.

Wednesday, October 8th -

I did get to play games, but... just D&D.  It was a damned entertaining session, featuring nearly the entire party falling down a natural rock formation after failing simple athletics skill checks to climb the rope properly, ending up prone and abused in a pit of predatory nasties, but it wasn't Fallout, so doesn't really count toward my goal.  Thankfully I have vacation days for Thursday and Friday, so much wastelanding will be happening!

Thursday, October 9th -

Tons and tons of gaming happened.  The floodgates were finally opened and I managed to probably get in at least 6 hours of Fallout, maybe more, the way I'd intended to get things done for days but not managed to accomplish.  My session finally ended about 4 in the morning on Friday, and I slept until 11 that morning (highly unusual for me).

Fallout continues to be really compelling, and so much cool stuff is happening it's just impossible to put down.  Can't wait to see more!  Too, my new video card (Sapphire 4850) has been ordered, so in just a few days I'll be set to hopefully get a nice speed increase in The Witcher.  Can't wait for that, either!
« Last Edit: Friday, October 10, 2008, 11:04:22 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 04:30:19 AM »
Friday, October 10th -

It's 4:30AM Saturday morning, actually, and I just finished my final session with Fallout.  It was EPIC.  The ending was crazy, freaky as hell, intense, and the general endgame was pretty long and involved.  Lots of unexpected stuff, a bit of a twist that I'm still not fully grasping, and a great ending that leaves you satisfied as you look back over what you accomplished and the major events that took place as you were playing.

Highlight?  Having only seconds to escape a disgusting pit of death while swinging my super sledge around me like a maniac in an attempt to get JUST ONE robot sentry off me as I'm continually swarmed by them, that I might clear just enough room to make it to the exit.  EPIC.  I also leveled one final time but didn't have time to stop and upgrade.  And just before the end of the game I managed to get my skill in energy weapons high enough to use them, which made for an extra exciting finale.  Oh, and my dog accidentally killed itself (RIP, trusty puppy...) by running through a force field, whilst the rest of my companions became casualties in a nuclear accident which sort of ended up being my fault, though I didn't intend to vaporize them (and all the really nice gear they were carrying).

Bit of a wonky game, but all the wonky stuff is totally made up for by the brilliance of everything else.  Everyone should play this.  I've never played anything like it.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 07:22:15 AM »
Tuesday, October 7th -

Troubled times at my job, I came home exhausted.  But I managed to get started before it got too late, as I'd failed to do the last few nights, and that worked out well enough.  Got a good portion of Fallout sidequests done, three of which included really big, tough firefights against mobs of dudes.

The combat is weird in this game.  Critical hits happen a lot, and that can be infuriating when you've got a lot of opponents at one time.  A bullet that normally does 3-7 damage will sometimes come out of nowhere and smack you for 30+, and a couple times I just died outright as someone scored a crazy crit that ate my entire HP stock.  And my own guys did that a number of times against the enemy as well.  It's... strange.  I hadn't noticed it prior to tonight, but tonight it just seemed crazy.
I have that green set of armor. And yeah, since I got that, I don't critical'ed much.

Eventually I mowed everyone down, though, and used my huge cash surplus from these jobs to buy a Super Sledge from one of the merchants in the Hub.  I don't know exactly what it does, but it uses less AP than my spear did, supposedly does improved knockback, and does a shitload more damage.  And it should.  I had to trade half my inventory and the majority of my caps to get it!  I hope it turns out to be worth it.  I got my ass handed to me trying to take on a particularly nasty baddie earlier, so we'll see if my improved arsenal (my buddies got some beefier pistols/rifles as well) can take him out next time.  I'm sort of doubting it.
Sounds like a winner to me, as long as you been pumping Melee up.

Tons and tons of gaming happened.  The floodgates were finally opened and I managed to probably get in at least 6 hours of Fallout, maybe more, the way I'd intended to get things done for days but not managed to accomplish.  My session finally ended about 4 in the morning on Friday, and I slept until 11 that morning (highly unusual for me).

Fallout continues to be really compelling, and so much cool stuff is happening it's just impossible to put down.  Can't wait to see more!  Too, my new video card (Sapphire 4850) has been ordered, so in just a few days I'll be set to hopefully get a nice speed increase in The Witcher.  Can't wait for that, either!
Woot @ new vid card! Hope it kicks ass for you, man! :)
Witcher runs great on my 8800 GT, so I could imagine how much greater it'll be on the ATI 4850.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 11:37:02 PM »
Saturday, October 11th -

Well, today was anti-climactic.  I got several good hours put into Fallout 2 only to believe myself on the receiving end of an error when my gold and a quest item disappeared from my inventory.  I noticed one, then the other.  I noted that there's a thread going at with mods for the games, and Fallout 2 has 2 community patches, one of which is recently supported and indicates fixes for over 800 bugs (lots of minor ones), and since I had started playing without this, I decided it was time to download and start over (old saves are invalidated).  Sadly, it turns out I'd merely been pickpocketed by some kids in the game, and my item would either be on the person of the kid who robbed me or in the inventory of a store.  Oh well.  Probably for the best that I start over with the patch anyway, since it's very well-received by the NMA forum-goers.  Oh, and this is Killap's patch for anyone that's curious, not the "1.05" patch, which hasn't been updated in years.

So ends another day.  Perhaps I'll make some progress tomorrow.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 07:28:31 AM »
Keep us posted!

I haven't played Fallout 2 in ages. I can just barely remember it too.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 11:51:42 AM »
I still have the 2nd game installed.  I don't remember now if I ever played the first.  Some of those older games have a problem that I think is caused by palletized textures (256 colors, each looked up from many more possible values at runtime).  Support for those got neglected eventually by the hardware.  What happens is that what you see is barely recognizable because the color lookups are all very wrong.  I think Fallout 2 had such problems after a couple of videocard updates.  I'll have to check.

Assuming that won't be an issue or I find the fix, are you saying the game has a fatal bug without some recent community patch?

Edit:  Good memory for once.

All FMV is a disaster.  The game graphics are almost right, but still have problems with highlights and some menu items, like icons and digits.
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 12:13:04 PM by Cobra951 »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 03:19:18 PM »
I know that FO2 should run without issue on a modern version of Windows.  I don't know specifics, but I'm pretty sure it's worked pretty easily for most people, so I don't think you'd have to do that much tweaking.  You can probably find some info over at No Mutants Allowed.  Of course, if you buy it from, it'll work without issue anyway due to their fixes.

And Cobra, as far as I know there are no game-breaking bugs with the game in its final officially patched version.  Even at the initial retail version you could still finish the game despite a few bugs, according to what I've read.  But there were still some issues that remained even after patching, and this community patch addresses a lot of them (and there's no reason not to get it... it's very small, and works with both the standard fully-patched version of the game or the GOG version).  Just delete the initial patch0000.dat or whatever is in the directory, then use the installer to install to the game directory.  In-game you'll see that the version has changed in the main menu, and the guy also placed a rock right outside the entrance to the first "trial" area of the game (where your character starts), just below the first NPC you see, and if you mouseover that with the "look" cursor, you'll see a message indicating what version it is and that the patch has been installed correctly.

The only downside is old characters can't be helped this way, as old saves are invalidated.

Anyway, no, the error was on my part, and you can't even call it bad design because my character would have noticed it had I given her a higher perception (so in actuality it's just old school design).  Apparently in the area I was in you can be pickpocketed, but the game doesn't let you know that you've been victimized unless you're quite perceptive, so to me the items just weren't there when I went looking for them.  But if you go to a merchant you will see that the items stolen from you have been sold to them, and apparently you can buy them back (either that, or they'll still be on the person of whomever stole from you... the kids in that city, if I'm not mistaken).  But all my gold was also stolen, so that was a difficult proposition!

Since I've been talking about this, I'll give out some links, and also make a plug for is awesome.  I really, really like these people and am very glad to be a part of the beta.  Most of you know what they are already, but just in case you don't, or in case some other people from the interwebs stumble in here, they're a division of CD Projekt (European publishing house whose internal dev team, CD Projekt RED, developed The Witcher, one of the best RPGs in the last decade), and they sell old games retooled to run on modern operating systems without any DRM whatsoever.  So you'll pay a grand total of six bucks for Fallout, which you can then download with a nice installer that installs cleanly, and no tweaking has to be done to the game to get it to run.  Bonus materials are also included in the purchase, like a zipped soundtrack, some wallpapers, avatars, etc.  Nothing fancy, but nice little additions.  Too, they make this stuff retroactive, so while they just released new bonus materials for their Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 release, those who purchased the games before get the new stuff added to their account.  Too, they have a really super-helpful forum full of people who seem to have a distinctly noticeable lack of idiots within their ranks, and they even highlight significant threads on their main page sometimes (including one today that showcases tweaking tips for DOSbox - I believe some of these releases use DOSbox in completely transparent fashion, but it can still be tweaked and stuff if you have a specific need or want).  I really like these people and I sincerely hope this endeavor succeeds.  If you haven't tried them out, see if you can get into the beta and buy a couple games.

Also, over at GOG's Fallout Series forum you'll find lists of mods for Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics, and all of these posts were created and put together by a member of the team.  That's just awesome.  These people are racking up ridiculous goodwill with me by these simple actions, and I guarantee you its going to cause me to spend more money there.

But yeah, that's all helpful stuff, and the community patch that seems to be definitive for Fallout 2 is, again, Killap's patch.

EDIT - Here's an interesting thread on how handles regional stuff, which should make a lot of people happy as well.  And check out the wishlist they have, where you can actually search out and vote for games you'd like to see on the service.
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 03:50:22 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #15 on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 03:48:48 PM »
Since you brought GOG Beta up, members recently got a "Friend" key so they can invite one friend into the GOG Beta...

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #16 on: Monday, October 13, 2008, 09:39:29 AM »
I know that FO2 should run without issue on a modern version of Windows.  I don't know specifics, but I'm pretty sure it's worked pretty easily for most people, so I don't think you'd have to do that much tweaking.  You can probably find some info over at No Mutants Allowed.  Of course, if you buy it from, it'll work without issue anyway due to their fixes.

Don't be too sure about that.  I'm definitely not alone in this.  I've remembered more about the issue since you brought the game to mind.  It's been around for years, and while it may not affect everyone or even most, it surprises me that a classic game that gets so much support (even now) hasn't seen a fix for this.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #17 on: Monday, October 13, 2008, 05:46:44 PM »
Spend 6 bucks at GOG then, if you can spare it.  Just don't go out to eat the next time you plan to or something.  It's a pretty small price to pay for having that aggravation just disappear, I think.

I do see that I have an invite code to the GOG beta waiting, and it's got your name on it if you'd like it, Cobra.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #18 on: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 08:39:30 AM »
Sunday, October 12th through Wednesday, October 16th -

I did managed to get Fallout 2 going again, starting a new character and making my way quickly through the opening sections, just about to where I left off.  Then life happened.  I'm not sure how exactly I missed so many days of gaming, but even despite taking 2 days off for being sick on Wednesday and Thursday, still nothing happened.  I spent part of the time working on Wardock, and I guess I just crapped out for the rest of it.

Until Thursday evening...

Thursday, October 17th -

Dead Space.  Yes, it's EA, and yes, it's not like you haven't played a survival horror game before, or a game with crazy aliens or zombies in a derelict spacecraft in the vast reaches of the far future, etc. etc., but this game is still fucking awesome, and entirely responsible for my lack of progress with FO2.  It's also one of the most violent, gory games I've ever played.  It's just palpable with that stuff.  See the Dead Space thread for more info.

Anyway, I basically suckered my wife into the whole thing right alongside me, hyping her up for what a great Halloween game it would be.  She's a big horror fan and all (she recently convinced me to go through Haunting Ground so she could watch it -- she likes scary games, but doesn't so much like playing them), so it was a pretty easy sell.  We picked the game up Thursday night and brought it home to play for a few hours.  We had tons of fun being utterly grossed out.

Friday, October 17th -

I got to play exactly jack and shit.  My job threw me a major curveball, and my personal life threw me another one.  The result was a double-beaner that profoundly took the wind from my sails.  What a waste of a fucking day.

Saturday, October 18th -

I'm now thoroughly invested in Dead Space and starting a new game on Hard so I can play when Julia isn't around to watch our "main" game (which is on Medium difficulty).  This is also for the purposes of later starting a New Game +, which I've heard you can't change the difficulty on.  So if you finish the game on Medium, you'll be playing it again on Medium, and since you can't actually upgrade your guy all the way on a single run, New Game + seems to be a fun thing to try (and by all accounts, the game is well worth going through multiple times).  So we'll see how it pans out, but for now I'm having a blast even treading through the same areas on Hard (and it should be noted that this is way harder than Medium -- health loss seems to be doubled, and dismembering your enemies seems to take about twice as many shots).

The day is far from over, but I plan to get in as much of this as I can.  Also, I'm going to look into the Dead Space comics (available online all over the place in animated form -- quite nice looking, and well acted -- and also in print from comic shops, with a trade paperback coming out at some point soon that apparently will also have a nice hardbacked edition), the site, which is supposed to have some fun backstory type stuff on the USG Ishimura, the ship where the game takes place, and also spend some time with the cryptic alien language in the game that's written around on various things.  At one point you can find a thing smeared on the ground where some guy took the time to write out what the letters mean (standard English-to-Alien, letter-by-letter translation, as you'd expect... it wouldn't be fun if the cryptography was too much for your average dude to translate, and hard enough since the textures can occasionally be just a little blurry for the samey-looking letters), so I'm going to get translating and see what I can come up with.  I know it can be done because Julia and I hashed out a single line from our previous play session, which read "Keep us whole".  There were about 5 lines underneath that, not to mention about 10 other blocks of text in the surrounding area, so we'll see how long it takes me to come up with translations.

Sunday, October 19th -

Got a lot of playing in, and a lot of translating.  So far I've translated about 7 - 10 messages, I'd guess.  Most I've written down, though a few I haven't.  They're pretty fun, because they aren't at all necessary for the story (obviously), and they don't even really add to it that much, but there are hints at bits and pieces that do add a layer of intrigue.  Some of them are strictly dogmatic, some seem to have context in the actual situation, and some are written by terrified people likely on their way to becoming victims, while others are in a steady hand that wrote them down with purpose.  I've seen a whole host of them that I still need to translate, but that was in my Medium game that Julia and I are playing, so I didn't take the time to do those.  I'll try them when I get to the same areas in my Hard game.  Which I'm not looking forward to.  One room in which there is much to translate is decidedly... let's just say "unpleasant".

I seem to have unlocked all the guns in both of my games now, though I'm still only carrying two.  Plasma Cutter (the "pistol", default weapon) and Line Cutter (really big, wide mining gun that sets mines) for my Medium game, and the Plasma Cutter and Flamethrower (gradually degrades multiple limbs on a creature until they eventually fall off) for my Hard game.  I want to try another weapon or two, but I'm not going to do so until I can upgrade the suit to level 3 and get some more inventory space.  I've spent a fair number of power nodes on upgrading the Plasma Cutter anyway, and it remains my primary weapon mostly due to the abundance of ammo.  On Medium I'm constantly fighting for inventory space since there's just way more shit to pick up than I actually need to use (my storage space is overflowing with goodies in case of emergency), but on Hard I'm constantly in need of just about everything and have to play much more carefully.

Just got up to the Hydroponics Deck in my Medium game, and will be attempting to get there on my Hard game shortly (not too far behind).  Really hoping for that next suit upgrade soon...
« Last Edit: Monday, October 20, 2008, 08:19:27 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #19 on: Friday, October 24, 2008, 04:01:00 PM »
For those who are members AND have bought any of the Fallout games from them, their Extras have been updated.

The Fallout BIBLE by Chris Avellone has been added by GOG for download.
So has some new avatars.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #20 on: Friday, October 24, 2008, 05:16:31 PM »
Seriously?  That's awesome!  Hooray!  That'll get me through the 2 days of work I have to suffer through before my 3 days of vacation which will  be spent entirely on FO3.  Right before the two days of weekend that will be spent entirely on FO3.

This month has sucked, but it's all about to be so worth it...

And that reminds me, I need up update the last few days here:

Monday, October 20th through Tuesday, October 21st -

Didn't get a ton of gaming done, and what I did get done was spent with Dead Space.  Nothing terribly eventful.  The game still continues to feel a little too derivative to me, i.e. lacking in originality, but everything is so damned fun and awesome it just doesn't matter.

Wednesday, October 22nd -

Didn't play games.  After all the nights going at Dead Space so hardcore, I just needed a break.  I was seeing hideously deformed humans every time I closed my eyes, and that was getting... old.

Thursday, October 23rd -

D&D night!  Awesomely good fun, and surprisingly... odd.  Good times had by all in any case, though prep took longer than expected and I still have tons of work on the campaign left to do before next session.  Being a DM is hard.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #21 on: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 04:01:03 AM »
Friday, October 24th -

Dead Space is over and done.  It was an awesome ride, and despite it being almost completely unoriginal, the whole of the thing was so well crafted it just didn't matter.  Fun, spooky, and... fun!  I immediately jumped back into my game of Fallout 2, but was quickly distracted by the Fallout Bible and converting the text to MP3 so I'll have something to get me through the few days of work I have next week before the release of FO3.  Damn.  I'm too easily sidetracked.

Saturday, October 25th -

Gaming in earnest didn't happen until a bit later in the evening, but when it did, it didn't let up.  It's now about 4 in the morning on Sunday, and I've been playing Sacrifice for like 5 hours or something.  Hot damn I love that freaking game.  See the other thread if you want to know more.

So I need to go to bed now.  My schedule is going to be severely fucked up.  Oh well.  It was completely worth it.

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Re: 29 Days of Game
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 09:48:54 AM »
At Level 9, I tried taking on The Master in Fallout.
Goddamn, I got slaughtered...